편집 파일: ucmlint
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Id: ucmlint,v 2.4 2017/06/10 17:23:50 dankogai Exp $ # BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' } use strict; our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.4 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; use Getopt::Std; our %Opt; getopts("Dehfv", \%Opt); if ($Opt{e}){ eval { require Encode } or die "can't load Encode : $@"; } $Opt{h} and help(); @ARGV or help(); sub help{ print <<""; $0 -[Dehfv] [ucm files ...] -D debug mode on -e test with Encode module also (requires perl 5.7.3 or higher) -h shows this message -f forces roundtrip check even for |[123] -v verbose mode } $| = 1; my (%Hdr, %U2E, %E2U, %Fallback); my $in_charmap = 0; my $nerror = 0; my $nwarning = 0; sub nit($;$){ my ($msg, $level) = @_; my $lstr; if ($level == 2){ $lstr = 'notice'; }elsif ($level == 1){ $lstr = 'warning'; $nwarning++; }else{ $lstr = 'error'; $nerror++; } print "$ARGV:$lstr in line $.: $msg\n"; } for $ARGV (@ARGV){ open UCM, $ARGV or die "$ARGV:$!"; %Hdr = %U2E = %E2U = %Fallback = (); $in_charmap = $nerror = $nwarning = 0; $. = 0; while(<UCM>){ chomp; s/\s*#.*$//o; /^$/ and next; if ($_ eq "CHARMAP"){ $in_charmap = 1; for my $must (qw/code_set_name mb_cur_min mb_cur_max/){ exists $Hdr{$must} or nit "<$must> nonexistent"; } $Hdr{mb_cur_min} > $Hdr{mb_cur_max} and nit sprintf("mb_cur_min(%d) > mb_cur_max(%d)", $Hdr{mb_cur_min},$Hdr{mb_cur_max}); $in_charmap = 1; next; } unless ($in_charmap){ my($hkey, $hvalue) = /^<(\S+)>\s+[\"\']?([^\"\']+)/o or next; $Opt{D} and warn "$hkey => $hvalue"; if ($hkey eq "code_set_name"){ # name check exists $Hdr{code_set_name} and nit "Duplicate <code_set_name>: $hkey"; } if ($hkey eq "code_set_alias"){ # alias check $hvalue eq $Hdr{code_set_name} and nit qq(alias "$hvalue" is already in <code_set_name>); } $Hdr{$hkey} = $hvalue; }else{ my $name = $Hdr{code_set_name}; my($unistr, $encstr, $fb) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)/o or next; $Opt{v} and nit $_, 2; my $uni = uniparse($unistr); my $enc = encparse($encstr); $fb =~ /^\|([0123])$/ or nit "malformed fallback: $fb"; $fb = $1; $Opt{f} and $fb = 0; unless ($fb == 3){ # check uni -> enc if (exists $U2E{$uni}){ nit "dupe encode map: U$uni => $U2E{$uni} and $enc", 1; }else{ $U2E{$uni} = $enc; $Fallback{$uni}{$enc} = 1 if $fb == 1; if ($Opt{e}) { my $e = hex2enc($enc); my $u = hex2uni($uni); my $eu = Encode::encode($name, $u); $e eq $eu or nit qq(encode('$name', $uni) != $enc); } } } unless ($fb == 1){ # check enc -> uni if (exists $E2U{$enc}){ nit "dupe decode map: $enc => U$E2U{$enc} and U$uni", 1; }else{ $E2U{$enc} = $uni; $Fallback{$enc}{$uni} = 1 if $fb == 3; if ($Opt{e}) { my $e = hex2enc($enc); my $u = hex2uni($uni); $Opt{D} and warn "$uni, $enc"; my $de = Encode::decode($name, $e); $de eq $u or nit qq(decode('$name', $enc) != $uni); } } } # warn "$uni, $enc, $fb"; } } $in_charmap or nit "Where is CHARMAP?"; checkRT(); printf ("$ARGV: %s error%s found\n", ($nerror == 0 ? 'no' : $nerror), ($nerror > 1 ? 's' : '')); } exit; sub hex2enc{ pack("C*", map {hex($_)} split(",", shift)); } sub hex2uni{ join("", map { chr(hex($_)) } split(",", shift)); } sub checkRT{ for my $uni (keys %E2U){ my $enc = $U2E{$uni} or next; # okay $E2U{$U2E{$uni}} eq $uni or $Fallback{$uni}{$enc} or nit "RT failure: U$uni => $enc =>U$E2U{$U2E{$uni}}"; } for my $enc (keys %E2U){ my $uni = $E2U{$enc} or next; # okay $U2E{$E2U{$enc}} eq $enc or $Fallback{$enc}{$uni} or nit "RT failure: $enc => U$uni => $U2E{$E2U{$enc}}"; } } sub uniparse{ my $str = shift; my @u; push @u, $1 while($str =~ /\G<U(.*?)>/ig); for my $u (@u){ $u =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/o or nit "malformed Unicode character: $u"; } return join(',', @u); } sub encparse{ my $str = shift; my @e; for my $e (split /\\x/io, $str){ $e or next; # first \x $e =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z]{1,2})$/io or nit "Hex $e in $str is bogus"; push @e, $1; } return join(',', @e); } __END__ A UCM file looks like this. # # Comments # <code_set_name> "US-ascii" # Required <code_set_alias> "ascii" # Optional <mb_cur_min> 1 # Required; usually 1 <mb_cur_max> 1 # Max. # of bytes/char <subchar> \x3F # Substitution char # CHARMAP <U0000> \x00 |0 # <control> <U0001> \x01 |0 # <control> <U0002> \x02 |0 # <control> .... <U007C> \x7C |0 # VERTICAL LINE <U007D> \x7D |0 # RIGHT CURLY BRACKET <U007E> \x7E |0 # TILDE <U007F> \x7F |0 # <control> END CHARMAP