편집 파일: Encode.t
BEGIN { if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}){ chdir 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; } if (ord("A") == 193) { print "1..0 # Skip: EBCDIC\n"; exit 0; } require Config; import Config; if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bEncode\b/) { print "1..0 # Skip: Encode was not built\n"; exit 0; } } use strict; use Test::More; use Encode qw(from_to encode decode encode_utf8 decode_utf8 find_encoding is_utf8); use charnames qw(greek); my @encodings = grep(/iso-?8859/,Encode::encodings()); my $n = 2; my @character_set = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'); my @source = qw(ascii iso8859-1 cp1250); my @destiny = qw(cp1047 cp37 posix-bc); my @ebcdic_sets = qw(cp1047 cp37 posix-bc); plan tests => 38+$n*@encodings + 2*@source*@destiny*@character_set + 2*@ebcdic_sets*256 + 6 + 3*8; my $str = join('',map(chr($_),0x20..0x7E)); my $cpy = $str; my $sym = Encode->getEncoding('symbol'); my $uni = $sym->decode(encode(ascii => 'a')); is "\N{alpha}",substr($uni,0,1),"alpha does not map to symbol 'a'"; $str = $sym->encode("\N{Beta}"); is "B",decode(ascii => substr($str,0,1)),"Symbol 'B' does not map to Beta"; foreach my $enc (qw(symbol dingbats ascii),@encodings) { my $tab = Encode->getEncoding($enc); is 1,defined($tab),"Could not load $enc"; $str = join('',map(chr($_),0x20..0x7E)); $uni = $tab->decode($str); $cpy = $tab->encode($uni); is $cpy,$str,"$enc mangled translating to Unicode and back"; } # On ASCII based machines see if we can map several codepoints from # three distinct ASCII sets to three distinct EBCDIC coded character sets. # On EBCDIC machines see if we can map from three EBCDIC sets to three # distinct ASCII sets. my @expectation = (240..249, 193..201,209..217,226..233, 129..137,145..153,162..169); if (ord('A') != 65) { my @temp = @destiny; @destiny = @source; @source = @temp; undef(@temp); @expectation = (48..57, 65..90, 97..122); } foreach my $to (@destiny) { foreach my $from (@source) { my @expected = @expectation; foreach my $chr (@character_set) { my $native_chr = $chr; my $cpy = $chr; my $rc = from_to($cpy,$from,$to); is 1,$rc,"Could not translate from $from to $to"; is ord($cpy),shift(@expected),"mangled translating $native_chr from $from to $to"; } } } # On either ASCII or EBCDIC machines ensure we can take the full one # byte repetoire to EBCDIC sets and back. my $enc_as = 'iso8859-1'; foreach my $enc_eb (@ebcdic_sets) { foreach my $ord (0..255) { $str = chr($ord); my $rc = from_to($str,$enc_as,$enc_eb); $rc += from_to($str,$enc_eb,$enc_as); is $rc,2,"return code for $ord $enc_eb -> $enc_as -> $enc_eb was not obtained"; is $ord,ord($str),"$enc_as mangled translating $ord to $enc_eb and back"; } } my $mime = find_encoding('iso-8859-2'); is defined($mime),1,"Cannot find MIME-ish'iso-8859-2'"; my $x11 = find_encoding('iso8859-2'); is defined($x11),1,"Cannot find X11-ish 'iso8859-2'"; is $mime,$x11,"iso8598-2 and iso-8859-2 not same"; my $spc = find_encoding('iso 8859-2'); is defined($spc),1,"Cannot find 'iso 8859-2'"; is $spc,$mime,"iso 8859-2 and iso-8859-2 not same"; for my $i (256,128,129,256) { my $c = chr($i); my $s = "$c\n".sprintf("%02X",$i); is utf8::valid($s),1,"concat of $i botched"; utf8::upgrade($s); is utf8::valid($s),1,"concat of $i botched"; } # Spot check a few points in/out of utf8 for my $i (ord('A'),128,256,0x20AC) { my $c = chr($i); my $o = encode_utf8($c); is decode_utf8($o),$c,"decode_utf8 not inverse of encode_utf8 for $i"; is encode('utf8',$c),$o,"utf8 encode by name broken for $i"; is decode('utf8',$o),$c,"utf8 decode by name broken for $i"; } # is_utf8 ok( is_utf8("\x{100}")); ok(! is_utf8("a")); ok(! is_utf8("")); "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/; ok( is_utf8($1)); # ID 20011127.151 $a = $1; ok( is_utf8($a)); $a = "\x{100}"; chop $a; ok( is_utf8($a)); # weird but true: an empty UTF-8 string # non-string arguments package Encode::Dummy; use overload q("") => sub { $_[0]->[0] }; sub new { my $class = shift; bless [ @_ ] => $class } package main; ok(decode(latin1 => Encode::Dummy->new("foobar")), "foobar"); ok(encode(utf8 => Encode::Dummy->new("foobar")), "foobar"); # RT#91569 # decode_utf8 with non-string arguments ok(decode_utf8(*1), "*main::1"); # hash keys foreach my $name ("UTF-16LE", "UTF-8", "Latin1") { my $key = (keys %{{ "whatever\x{CA}" => '' }})[0]; my $kopy = $key; encode($name, $kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK); is $key, "whatever\x{CA}", "encode $name with shared hash key scalars"; undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever\x{CA}" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; encode($name, $kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK | Encode::LEAVE_SRC); is $key, "whatever\x{CA}", "encode $name with LEAVE_SRC and shared hash key scalars"; undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; decode($name, $kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK); is $key, "whatever", "decode $name with shared hash key scalars"; undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; decode($name, $kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK | Encode::LEAVE_SRC); is $key, "whatever", "decode $name with LEAVE_SRC and shared hash key scalars"; my $enc = find_encoding($name); undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever\x{CA}" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; $enc->encode($kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK); is $key, "whatever\x{CA}", "encode obj $name with shared hash key scalars"; undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever\x{CA}" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; $enc->encode($kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK | Encode::LEAVE_SRC); is $key, "whatever\x{CA}", "encode obj $name with LEAVE_SRC and shared hash key scalars"; undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; $enc->decode($kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK); is $key, "whatever", "decode obj $name with shared hash key scalars"; undef $key; $key = (keys %{{ "whatever" => '' }})[0]; $kopy = $key; $enc->decode($kopy, Encode::FB_CROAK | Encode::LEAVE_SRC); is $key, "whatever", "decode obj $name with LEAVE_SRC and shared hash key scalars"; } my $latin1 = find_encoding('latin1'); my $orig = "\316"; $orig =~ /(.)/; is $latin1->encode($1), $orig, '[cpan #115168] passing magic regex globals to encode'; SKIP: { skip "Perl Version ($]) is older than v5.16", 1 if $] < 5.016; *a = $orig; is $latin1->encode(*a), '*main::'.$orig, '[cpan #115168] passing typeglobs to encode'; }