편집 파일: dist.ini
name = HTTP-Message author = Gisle Aas <gisle@activestate.com> license = Perl_5 main_module = lib/HTTP/Message.pm copyright_holder = Gisle Aas copyright_year = 1994 [MetaResources] x_IRC = irc://irc.perl.org/#lwp x_MailingList = mailto:libwww@perl.org [Prereqs] Compress::Raw::Zlib = 2.062 Encode = 3.01 Encode::Locale = 1 Exporter = 5.57 HTTP::Date = 6 IO::Compress::Brotli = 0.004001 IO::Compress::Bzip2 = 2.021 IO::Uncompress::Brotli = 0.004001 LWP::MediaTypes = 6 MIME::Base64 = 2.1 perl = 5.008001 URI = 1.10 Clone = 0.46 [@Author::OALDERS] ; all these tests are TODO -remove = Prereqs -remove = Test::EOL -remove = Test::Perl::Critic -remove = Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable -remove = Test::PodSpelling -remove = Test::Synopsis -remove = Test::TidyAll StaticInstall.mode = on StaticInstall.dry_run = 0 [Prereqs::Soften / Brotli] to_relationship = recommends copy_to = test.recommends module = IO::Compress::Brotli module = IO::Uncompress::Brotli [Test::Compile] bail_out_on_fail = 1 xt_mode = 1 [Test::ChangesHasContent] [Substitute] file = xt/release/changes_has_content.t code = s{^(note 'Checking Changes')}{if \(\(\$ENV\{TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST\} \|\| '') eq 'false'\) \{\n chomp\(my \$branch_name = \(\$ENV\{TRAVIS_BRANCH\} || \`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD\`\)\);\n \$TODO = 'Changes need not have content for this release yet if this is only the master branch'\n if \(\$branch_name \|\| ''\) eq 'master';\n\}\n\n$1}