편집 파일: method_in_san.t
use warnings; use strict; use Test::More tests => 17; #-------------------------------------------------------------- # this is just for testing the '_in_san()' method #-------------------------------------------------------------- use LWP::Protocol::https; sub class_under_test { return 'LWP::Protocol::https'; } #----------------------------- test__in_san(); test__cn_match(); #----------------- sub test__in_san { my $class = class_under_test(); can_ok( $class, '_in_san' ); { no strict qw(refs); ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict) no warnings qw(redefine); ## no critic (ProhibitNoWarnings) # a bit of a monkey patch to make it simpler to test # the various basic cases under test my $p_cert = bless {}, 'fauxCert'; my @san_list; my $p_peer_certificate = 'fauxCert::peer_certificate'; local *{$p_peer_certificate} = sub { return @san_list; }; #----------------------------------- # We need three simple cases, one without SAN # one with a pass, one with a fail connection. # until we need to deal with more than just the simple dns_match # futureNote: what if we use the 'type_id' -- and need to dispatch # to other than the '_cn_match()' method -- we may want to extend this # basic list of tests. my @tests = ( { 'san' => [], 'cn' => '/CN=foo.bar.baz', 'want' => undef, 'label' => 'empty SAN', }, { 'san' => [2, '*.bar.baz'], 'cn' => '/CN=foo.bar.baz', 'want' => 'ok', 'label' => 'CN matched by wild card SAN', }, { 'san' => [2, '*.bar.baz',], 'cn' => '/CN=cat.rat.bat', 'want' => undef, 'label' => 'CN not in SAN', } ); foreach my $test (@tests) { my ($san, $cn,$want, $label) = @{$test}{qw(san cn want label)}; @san_list = @{$san}; my $have = $class->_in_san($cn, $p_cert); is($have, $want, $label); } } return; } sub test__cn_match { my $class = class_under_test(); can_ok( $class, '_cn_match' ); # [ common_name , san_name, must_match , 'label' ] my @fail_cases = ( ['hostbar.foo' ,'ho*bar.foo' ,0, 'inline wildcard' ], ['host.cat.foo','host.*.foo' ,0, 'wildcard between levels' ], ['host.foo.bar','*foo.bar' ,0, 'wild card without a dot'], ['abcdfoo.com' ,'*.foo.com' ,0, 'different domain name'], ['*.foo.com' ,'*.foo.com' ,0, 'wild card query CN must be FQDN'], ['baz.foo.bar' ,'*.red.foo.bar' ,0, 'wild card from the section below'], ['baz.foo.bar' ,'*.foo.bar.' ,0, 'extra dot in SAN -- "dns style" dot at the end' ], ); my @ok_cases = ( ['baz.foo.bar' ,'baz.foo.bar' ,1, 'matches directly' ], ['baz.foo.bar' ,'*.foo.bar' ,1, 'matches by wild card' ], ); # Include these non-dns-specific-cases, as they could be things that # might be passed in the /CN= and be a part of the SAN, but it is # not quite clear which way they should be addressed. Nor is it clear # that they should be rejected by the _cn_match() my @non_dns_specific_cases = ( ['' , '' ,1, 'dotQuad notation' ], ['bob@bob.com' , 'bob@bob.com' ,1, 'email compare' ], ['schem://host', 'schem://host' ,1, 'url compare' ], ); my @tests = (@fail_cases, @ok_cases, @non_dns_specific_cases ); # now we can just iterate over the groups foreach my $test ( @tests) { my ( $cn, $san_dns, $must_match, $label ) = @{$test}; my $match = $class->_cn_match($cn, $san_dns); my $test_label = sprintf("%12s ~ %14s : %s", $cn,$san_dns,$label); is($match, $must_match, $test_label); } return; }