편집 파일: cow.t
#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; # we should consider moving to Test2... use Clone 'clone'; BEGIN { # Travis issue on 5.8.8 (maybe the module is too recent...) my $load_B_COW = eval { require B::COW; B::COW->import(q/:all/); 1 }; if ( $@ || !$load_B_COW ) { plan skip_all => 'This test requires B::COW to run.'; } if ( !B::COW::can_cow() ) { plan skip_all => 'This test is only designed to work on Perl Versions supporting COW'; } } plan tests => 59; { note "Simple SvPV"; my $str = "abcdef"; ok is_cow($str); is cowrefcnt($str), 1; my $clone = clone($str); ok is_cow($clone); is cowrefcnt($str), 2, q[the $str PV cowrefcnt is now at 2]; is cowrefcnt($clone), 2, q[the $clone is sharing the same PV]; } { note "COW SvPV used in Array"; my $str = "abcdef"; ok is_cow($str); is cowrefcnt($str), 1; my @a; push @a, $str for 1 .. 10; is cowrefcnt($str), 11; is cowrefcnt( $a[0] ), 11; is cowrefcnt( $a[-1] ), 11; my $clone_array = clone( \@a ); is cowrefcnt($str), 21; is cowrefcnt( $a[-1] ), 21; is cowrefcnt( $clone_array->[-1] ), 21; } { note "COW SvPV used in Hashes"; my $a_string = "something"; my $h = { 'a' .. 'd', k1 => $a_string, k2 => $a_string, $a_string => $a_string, }; is cowrefcnt($a_string), 4, 'a_string PV is used 3 times'; my $clone_h = clone($h); is cowrefcnt($a_string), 7, 'a_string PV is now used 5 times after clone'; foreach my $k ( sort keys %$h ) { ok is_cow($k), "key is cow..."; is cowrefcnt($k), 0, "cowrefcnt on key $k is 0..."; my $clone_key = clone($k); TODO: { local $TODO = "losing the COW status when cowrefcnt=0..."; ok !is_cow($clone_key), "clone_key lost its cow value (LEN=0)"; is cowrefcnt($clone_key), undef, "clone_key has lost cow..."; } is $clone_key, $k, " clone_key eq k"; } my @keys = sort keys %$h; my $clone_keys = clone( \@keys ); is scalar @$clone_keys, scalar @keys, "clone keys array"; } { # reproducing SEGV described as part of GH #10 - https://github.com/garu/Clone/issues/10 note "hash with subs..."; my $hash = { 'caption' => { 'db' => 1, 'default' => 1, 'i18n' => 1 }, 'fix_db' => { 'db' => 1, 'get' => sub { 1 } }, }; my $clone = clone($hash); ok ref $clone, "clone success - no SEGV"; } { note "playing with the limit: cowrefcnt_max"; my $max = cowrefcnt_max(); ok $max, "we got a max"; cmp_ok $max, '>', 2, "this should be greater than 2 :-)" or die; # first let's do a stop just before max my $str = "abcd"; my @a; push @a, $str for 1 .. ( $max - 3 ); is cowrefcnt($str), $max - 2, "we are at max-2"; # now increase to max push @a, clone($str); is cowrefcnt($str), $max - 1, "we are now at max-1" or die; is cowrefcnt( $a[-1] ), $max - 1, "we are now at max-1: a[-1]"; # now is time to bypass max for ( 1 .. 2 ) { push @a, clone($str); is cowrefcnt($str), $max - 1, "str stays at max -1"; ok is_cow( $a[-1] ), "our clone is COWed when bypassing max"; is cowrefcnt( $a[-1] ), 0, "cowrefcnt for a[-1] is 0"; } is cowrefcnt( $a[-2] ), 0, "cowrefcnt for a[-2] is 0"; is cowrefcnt( $a[-3] ), $max - 1, "cowrefcnt for a[-3] is max - 1"; push @a, clone( $a[-1] ); is cowrefcnt( $a[-1] ), 1, "cowrefcnt for a[-1] is 1"; is cowrefcnt( $a[-2] ), 1, "cowrefcnt for a[-2] is 1"; is cowrefcnt( $a[-3] ), 0, "cowrefcnt for a[-3] is 0"; is cowrefcnt( $a[-4] ), $max - 1, "cowrefcnt for a[-4] is max - 1"; }