편집 파일: dist.ini
name = libwww-perl author = Gisle Aas <gisle@activestate.com> license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = Gisle Aas copyright_year = 1995 [Git::GatherDir] exclude_filename = LICENSE exclude_filename = META.json exclude_filename = README.md [MetaConfig] [MetaProvides::Package] [MetaNoIndex] directory = t directory = xt [MetaYAML] [MetaJSON] [MetaResources] x_IRC = irc://irc.perl.org/#lwp x_MailingList = mailto:libwww@perl.org [Deprecated] module = LWP::Debug [Git::Contributors] [GithubMeta] issues = 1 user = libwww-perl [Manifest] [License] [InstallGuide] :version = 1.200013 ; make the bin dir executables [ExecDir] ; [ShareDir] [Prereqs::FromCPANfile] [MakeMaker::Awesome] :version = 0.27 delimiter = | header = |use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); header = |GetOptions(\my %opt, header = | 'aliases', header = | 'no-programs|n', header = |) or do { header = | die "Usage: $0 [--aliases] [--no-programs]\n"; header = |}; header = |my @prog; header = |push(@prog, qw(lwp-request lwp-mirror lwp-download lwp-dump)) header = | unless $opt{'no-programs'} || grep /^LIB=/, @ARGV; header = |if ($opt{'aliases'} && grep(/lwp-request/, @prog)) { header = | require File::Copy; header = | for (qw(GET HEAD POST)) { header = | File::Copy::copy("bin/lwp-request", "bin/$_") || die "Can't copy bin/$_"; header = | chmod(0755, "bin/$_"); header = | push(@prog, $_); header = | } header = |} WriteMakefile_arg = EXE_FILES => [ map "bin/$_", @prog ] WriteMakefile_arg = NAME => 'LWP' ; TODO strict and warnings to quiet the kwalitee tests ; [Test::Kwalitee] ; filename = xt/author/kwalitee.t [MojibakeTests] [Test::Version] [Test::ReportPrereqs] [Test::Compile] bail_out_on_fail = 1 xt_mode = 1 ; avoid failing on 5.8: Warning: Use of "keys" without parentheses is ambiguous at Data/Dump/Trace.pm line 262. [Substitute / 00-compile.t] file = xt/author/00-compile.t code = s{(is\(scalar\(\@warnings\), 0, 'no warnings found'\))}{TODO: \{\nlocal \$TODO = 'Data::Dump::Trace warns on 5.8' if \$\] < '5.009';\n$1}; code = s{(^\s+or diag 'got warnings: ', explain\(\\\@warnings\);)}{$1\n\}}; [Test::Portability] ; TODO perltidy for NoTabs and namespace::autoclean ; [Test::CleanNamespaces] ; TODO ; [Test::NoTabs] ; TODO [Test::EOL] ; We run release tests in travis. but make the changes-has-content test TODO only for master. ; This will prod pull request submitters to add a Changes entry. [Test::ChangesHasContent] [Substitute / changes_has_content.t] file = xt/release/changes_has_content.t code = s{^(note 'Checking Changes')}{if \(\(\$ENV\{TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST\} \|\| '') eq 'false'\) \{\n chomp\(my \$branch_name = \(\$ENV\{TRAVIS_BRANCH\} || \`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD\`\)\);\n \$TODO = 'Changes need not have content for this release yet if this is only the master branch'\n if \(\$branch_name \|\| ''\) eq 'master';\n\}\n\n$1} [Test::MinimumVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable] skip = LWP skip = LWP::Debug skip = LWP::Debug::TraceHTTP skip = LWP::Authen::Basic skip = LWP::Authen::Digest skip = LWP::Authen::Ntlm skip = LWP::DebugFile trustme = LWP::UserAgent => qr/^(?:run_handlers|send_request|use_alarm|use_eval)$/ trustme = LWP::Protocol => qr/^(?:max_size|timeout)$/ trustme = LWP::Protocol::http => qr/^(?:hlist_remove|socket_class|socket_type)$/ trustme = LWP::Protocol::gopher => qr/^(?:gopher2url|menu2html)$/ trustme = LWP::RobotUA => qr/^host_count$/ [Test::PodSpelling] wordlist = Pod::Wordlist spell_cmd = aspell --master=en_US list stopword = afPuUsSedvhx stopword = Accomazzi stopword = Alexandre stopword = Andreas stopword = Asplund stopword = Betts stopword = Bochner stopword = BooK stopword = Buenzli stopword = Chamas stopword = Coppit stopword = Dalgleish stopword = Dubois stopword = Dunkin stopword = Duret stopword = Dvornik stopword = Eldridge stopword = Gertjan stopword = Graaff stopword = Greab stopword = Guenther stopword = Gurusamy stopword = Gustafsson stopword = Hakanson stopword = Harald stopword = Hedlund stopword = Hoblitt stopword = Hwa stopword = INOUE stopword = Joao stopword = Joerg stopword = Kaminsky stopword = Kartik stopword = Katsuhiro stopword = Kebsch stopword = Keiichiro stopword = Kilzer stopword = Klar stopword = Koster stopword = König stopword = KONISHI stopword = Kronengold stopword = Krüger stopword = Kubb stopword = Laker stopword = Langfeldt stopword = Langheinrich stopword = Liam stopword = Lindley stopword = Lotterer stopword = Lutz stopword = MacEachern stopword = Macdonald stopword = Marko stopword = Markus stopword = Martijn stopword = McCauley stopword = Melchner stopword = Moshe stopword = Murrell stopword = Nagano stopword = Nicolai stopword = Nierstrasz stopword = Olly stopword = Oosten stopword = Panchenko stopword = Pimlott stopword = Pon stopword = Quaranta stopword = Radoslaw stopword = Radu stopword = Rai stopword = Rezic stopword = Sarathy stopword = Schilli stopword = Schinder stopword = Shirazi stopword = Skyttä stopword = Slaven stopword = Spafford stopword = Stosberg stopword = Subbarao stopword = Takanori stopword = Thoennes stopword = Thurn stopword = Tilly stopword = Ugai stopword = Unger stopword = VanHeyningen stopword = Vandewege stopword = Ville stopword = Yitzchak stopword = Yoshinari stopword = Zajac stopword = Zakharevich stopword = Zielinski stopword = Zoest stopword = CPAN stopword = CGI stopword = UserAgent stopword = UA stopword = RobotUA stopword = NTLM stopword = NNTP stopword = TCP stopword = WireShark stopword = Yee stopword = shildreth stopword = Newby stopword = Mailto stopword = peterm stopword = de stopword = erik stopword = getprint stopword = getstore [Git::Check] allow_dirty = [CheckStrictVersion] decimal_only = 1 [RunExtraTests] [CheckChangeLog] [CheckChangesHasContent] [TestRelease] [UploadToCPAN] ; Create Readme [ReadmeAnyFromPod / Markdown_Readme] source_filename = lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm type = markdown filename = README.md location = root phase = release [CopyFilesFromRelease] filename = META.json filename = LICENSE ; The distribution version is read from lib/LWP.pm's $VERSION. ; At release, all versions are bumped. ; To change the version at release time, you can either edit LWP.pm's ; $VERSION, or set the V environment variable, e.g. V=1.23 dzil release [@Git::VersionManager] commit_files_after_release = META.json commit_files_after_release = LICENSE commit_files_after_release = README.md [Git::Push] ; listed late, to allow all other plugins which do BeforeRelease checks to run first. [ConfirmRelease]