편집 파일: config.pyo
� ���Kc @ sO d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d � Z d S( t ConfigNamespacec B sq e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s� Abstract class representing the interface of Config objects. A ConfigNamespace is a collection of names mapped to values, where the values may be nested namespaces. Values can be accessed via container notation - obj[key] - or via dotted notation - obj.key. Both these access methods are equivalent. To minimize name conflicts between namespace keys and class members, the number of class members should be minimized, and the names of all class members should start with an underscore. Subclasses must implement the methods for container-like access, and this class will automatically provide dotted access. c C s t | � S( N( t NotImplementedError( t selft key( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt _getitem s c C s t | | � � d S( N( R ( R R t value( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt __setitem__ s c C s t | � � d S( N( R ( R R ( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt __delitem__ s c C s t � S( N( R ( R ( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt __iter__ s c C s t | � � d S( N( R ( R t name( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt _new_namespace s c C s* y | j | � Wn t k r% t SXt S( N( R t KeyErrort Falset True( R R ( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt __contains__# s c C s3 y | j | � SWn t k r. t | | � SXd S( N( R R t Undefined( R R ( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt __getitem__6 s c C sZ y | j | � SWnB t k rU | j d � rH | j d � rH t � n t | | � SXd S( Nt __( R R t startswitht endswitht AttributeErrorR ( R R ( ( s3 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iniparse/config.pyt __getattr__<