편집 파일: _compat.pyc
� ��:Oc @` sQ d Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z d d l m Z m Z m Z d � Z d S( u� pyudev._compat ============== Compatibility for Python versions, that lack certain functions. .. moduleauthor:: Sebastian Wiesner <lunaryorn@googlemail.com> i ( t print_functiont divisiont unicode_literalst absolute_import( t Popent CalledProcessErrort PIPEc C` sJ t | d t �} | j � d } | j d k rF t | j | � � n | S( u] Compatibility with :func:`subprocess.check_output` from Python 2.7 and upwards. t stdouti ( R R t communicatet returncodeR ( t commandt proct output( ( s2 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyudev/_compat.pyt check_output# s N( t __doc__t __future__R R R R t subprocessR R R R ( ( ( s2 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyudev/_compat.pyt <module> s "