편집 파일: WidgetRedirector.pyo
� q��fc @ sS d d l Td d d � � YZ d d d � � YZ d � Z e d k rO e � n d S( i����( t *t WidgetRedirectorc B sD e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s� Support for redirecting arbitrary widget subcommands. Some Tk operations don't normally pass through Tkinter. For example, if a character is inserted into a Text widget by pressing a key, a default Tk binding to the widget's 'insert' operation is activated, and the Tk library processes the insert without calling back into Tkinter. Although a binding to <Key> could be made via Tkinter, what we really want to do is to hook the Tk 'insert' operation itself. When a widget is instantiated, a Tcl command is created whose name is the same as the pathname widget._w. This command is used to invoke the various widget operations, e.g. insert (for a Text widget). We are going to hook this command and provide a facility ('register') to intercept the widget operation. In IDLE, the function being registered provides access to the top of a Percolator chain. At the bottom of the chain is a call to the original Tk widget operation. c C se i | _ | | _ | j | _ } | j } | d | _ | j d | | j � | j | | j � d S( Nt _origt rename( t _operationst widgett tkt _wt origt callt createcommandt dispatch( t selfR R t w( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/WidgetRedirector.pyt __init__ s c C s d | j j j | j j f S( Ns WidgetRedirector(%s<%s>)( R t __class__t __name__R ( R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/WidgetRedirector.pyt __repr__&