편집 파일: quopri.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc
U ��,aa � @ s� d Z ddddgZdZdZdZdZzd d lmZmZ W n e k rP dZdZY nX dd � Z dd� Zddd�Zddd�Z ddd�Zddd�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zedkr�e� dS ) zHConversions to/from quoted-printable transport encoding as per RFC 1521.�encode�decode�encodestring�decodestring� =�L s 0123456789ABCDEF� � )�a2b_qp�b2a_qpNc C s: | dkr|S | dkr|S | t kp8d| ko2dkn S )z�Decide whether a particular byte ordinal needs to be quoted. The 'quotetabs' flag indicates whether embedded tabs and spaces should be quoted. Note that line-ending tabs and spaces are always encoded, as per RFC 1521. � � _� � ~)�ESCAPE)�c� quotetabs�header� r �+/opt/alt/python38/lib64/python3.8/quopri.py�needsquoting s r c C s( t | �} ttt| d t| d f� S )zQuote a single character.� )�ordr �bytes�HEX�r r r r �quote$ s r Fc C s2 t dk r,| �� }t |||d�}|�|� dS |dfdd�}d}| �� }|sN�qg } d} |dd� dkrv|dd� }d} |D ]D}t|f�}t|||�r�t|�}|r�|dkr�| �d � qz| �|� qz|dk r�||� t� | �}t |�tk�r||dtd � dd� |td d� }q�|}q>|dk �r.||| d� dS ) av Read 'input', apply quoted-printable encoding, and write to 'output'. 'input' and 'output' are binary file objects. The 'quotetabs' flag indicates whether embedded tabs and spaces should be quoted. Note that line-ending tabs and spaces are always encoded, as per RFC 1521. The 'header' flag indicates whether we are encoding spaces as _ as per RFC 1522.N�r r � c S sj | r<| dd � dkr<|� | d d� t| dd � � | � n*| dkrX|� t| �| � n|� | | � d S )N���r � .)�writer )�s�output�lineEndr r r r ; s (zencode.<locals>.writer r r r � s = )r# )r �readr �readliner r r �append�EMPTYSTRING�join�len�MAXLINESIZE) �inputr"