편집 파일: Makefile.PL
#! perl -w use strict ; require 5.006 ; use lib '.'; use private::MakeUtil; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 5.16 ; use ExtUtils::Install (); # only needed to check for version use Config; my $ZLIB_LIB ; my $ZLIB_INCLUDE ; my $BUILD_ZLIB = 0 ; my $USE_ZLIB_NG = 0; my $OLD_ZLIB = '' ; my $WALL = '' ; my $GZIP_OS_CODE = -1 ; my $USE_PPPORT_H = ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? '' : '-DUSE_PPPORT_H'; my $OPTIMIZE = $Config{'optimize'}; if ($Config{'gccversion'} and $OPTIMIZE =~ /-g (gdb)? 3/x) { $OPTIMIZE =~ s/-g(gdb)?3/-g/g; # [88936] out of memory with -g3 since 2.062 } # Windows uses a different name for the zlib library my $ZLIB_LIBRARY_NAME = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'zlib' : 'z' ; #$WALL = ' -pedantic ' if $Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/ ; #$WALL = ' -Wall -Wno-comment ' if $Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/ ; # Ticket #18986 says that ExtUtils::Install 1.39 fixes the in-use issue # on win32/cygwin, so make the code below conditional on the version of # ExtUtils::Install. # Don't ask if MM_USE_DEFAULT is set -- enables perl core building on cygwin if ($^O =~ /cygwin/i and $ExtUtils::Install::VERSION < 1.39 and not ($ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} or $ENV{PERL_CORE})) { print <<EOM ; I see you are running Cygwin. Please note that this module cannot be installed on Cygwin using the CPAN shell. The CPAN Shell uses Compress::Raw::Zlib internally and it is not possible to delete an active DLL. If you are running the CPAN shell, please exit it and install this module by hand by running 'make install' under the directory ~/.cpan/build/Compress-Raw-Zlib-VERSION EOM print "Do you want to continue? [Y/N]: " ; my $answer = <STDIN> ; if ($answer =~ /^yes|y/i) { print "continuing...\n" } else { print "exiting...\n" ; exit 1 ; } } ParseCONFIG() ; UpDowngrade(getPerlFiles('MANIFEST')) unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; my $OPT_Z_PREFIX = '-DZ_PREFIX' ; my $OPT_ZLIB_INCLUDE = "-I$ZLIB_INCLUDE"; my $OPT_ZLIB_LIB = "-L$ZLIB_LIB" ; my $OPT_SOLO = '-DZ_SOLO'; my $OPT_USE_ZLIB_NG = ""; if (! $BUILD_ZLIB) { # When using the system supplied zlib, we don't want to use our bespoke prefix $OPT_Z_PREFIX = ''; $OPT_ZLIB_INCLUDE = '' if $ZLIB_INCLUDE eq './zlib-src' ; $OPT_ZLIB_LIB = '' if $ZLIB_LIB eq './zlib-src' ; $OPT_SOLO = ''; } if ( $USE_ZLIB_NG) { $OPT_USE_ZLIB_NG = '-DUSE_ZLIB_NG'; $ZLIB_LIBRARY_NAME = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'zlib-ng' : 'z-ng' ; } WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Compress::Raw::Zlib', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Compress/Raw/Zlib.pm', INC => $OPT_ZLIB_INCLUDE , DEFINE => "-DNO_VIZ $OPT_SOLO $OLD_ZLIB $WALL $OPT_Z_PREFIX $OPT_USE_ZLIB_NG -DGZIP_OS_CODE=$GZIP_OS_CODE $USE_PPPORT_H -DPerl_crz_BUILD_ZLIB=$BUILD_ZLIB" , XS => { 'Zlib.xs' => 'Zlib.c'}, 'depend' => { 'Makefile' => 'config.in' }, 'clean' => { FILES => '*.c constants.h constants.xs' }, 'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip', TARFLAGS => '-chvf', SUFFIX => 'gz', DIST_DEFAULT => 'MyTrebleCheck tardist', }, ( $BUILD_ZLIB ? zlib_files($ZLIB_LIB) : (LIBS => [ "$OPT_ZLIB_LIB -l$ZLIB_LIBRARY_NAME " ]) ), OPTIMIZE => $OPTIMIZE, INSTALLDIRS => ($] >= 5.009 && $] < 5.011 ? 'perl' : 'site'), ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.46) } ? ( META_MERGE => { "meta-spec" => { version => 2 }, no_index => { directory => [ 't', 'private' ], }, resources => { bugtracker => { web => 'https://github.com/pmqs/Compress-Raw-Zlib/issues' }, homepage => 'https://github.com/pmqs/Compress-Raw-Zlib', repository => { type => 'git', url => 'git://github.com/pmqs/Compress-Raw-Zlib.git', web => 'https://github.com/pmqs/Compress-Raw-Zlib', }, }, } ) : () ), ((ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION() gt '6.30') ? ('LICENSE' => 'perl') : ()), ) ; sub version_Macro { my $ver = shift ; return [ "#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x$ver\n", "#endif\n" ]; } my @names = qw( DEF_WBITS MAX_MEM_LEVEL MAX_WBITS OS_CODE Z_ASCII Z_BEST_COMPRESSION Z_BEST_SPEED Z_BINARY Z_BLOCK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_DATA_ERROR Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY Z_DEFLATED Z_ERRNO Z_FILTERED Z_FINISH Z_FIXED Z_FULL_FLUSH Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY Z_MEM_ERROR Z_NEED_DICT Z_NO_COMPRESSION Z_NO_FLUSH Z_OK Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH Z_RLE Z_STREAM_END Z_STREAM_ERROR Z_SYNC_FLUSH Z_UNKNOWN Z_VERSION_ERROR ZLIBNG_VERNUM ZLIBNG_VER_MAJOR ZLIBNG_VER_MINOR ZLIBNG_VER_REVISION ZLIBNG_VER_STATUS ZLIBNG_VER_MODIFIED ); my %verSpecificNames = ( Z_TREES => '1240', ); if (eval {require ExtUtils::Constant; 1}) { # Check the constants above all appear in @EXPORT in Zlib.pm my %names = %verSpecificNames, map { $_, 1} @names, 'ZLIB_VERSION'; open F, "<lib/Compress/Raw/Zlib.pm" or die "Cannot open Zlib.pm: $!\n"; while (<F>) { last if /^\s*\@EXPORT\s+=\s+qw\(/ ; } while (<F>) { last if /^\s*\)/ ; /(\S+)/ ; delete $names{$1} if defined $1 ; } close F ; if ( keys %names ) { my $missing = join ("\n\t", sort keys %names) ; die "The following names are missing from \@EXPORT in Zlib.pm\n" . "\t$missing\n" ; } push @names, { name => 'ZLIB_VERSION', type => 'PV' }; push @names, map { { name => $_, macro => version_Macro $verSpecificNames{$_} } } keys %verSpecificNames ; push @names, { name => 'Z_NULL', type => 'UV' }; push @names, { name => 'ZLIBNG_VERSION', type => 'PV' }; ExtUtils::Constant::WriteConstants( NAME => 'Zlib', NAMES => \@names, C_FILE => 'constants.h', XS_FILE => 'constants.xs', ); } else { foreach my $name (qw( constants.h constants.xs )) { my $from = catfile('fallback', $name); copy ($from, $name) or die "Can't copy $from to $name: $!"; } } sub getBoolean { my $name = shift ; my $info = shift; my $x = defined $ENV{$name} ? $ENV{$name} : $info->{$name} ; return ($x =~ /^yes|on|true|1$/i) ? 1 : 0; } sub ParseCONFIG { my ($k, $v) ; my @badkey = () ; my %Info = () ; my @Options = qw( INCLUDE LIB BUILD_ZLIB OLD_ZLIB GZIP_OS_CODE USE_ZLIB_NG) ; my %ValidOption = map {$_, 1} @Options ; my %Parsed = %ValidOption ; my $CONFIG = 'config.in' ; print "Parsing $CONFIG...\n" ; open(F, "<$CONFIG") or die "Cannot open file $CONFIG: $!\n" ; while (<F>) { s/^\s*|\s*$//g ; next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/ ; s/\s*#\s*$// ; ($k, $v) = split(/\s+=\s+/, $_, 2) ; $k = uc $k ; if ($ValidOption{$k}) { delete $Parsed{$k} ; $Info{$k} = $v ; } else { push(@badkey, $k) ; } } close F ; print "Unknown keys in $CONFIG ignored [@badkey]\n" if @badkey ; # check parsed values my @missing = () ; die "The following keys are missing from $CONFIG [@missing]\n" if @missing = keys %Parsed ; $ZLIB_INCLUDE = defined $ENV{'ZLIB_INCLUDE'} ? $ENV{'ZLIB_INCLUDE'} : $Info{'INCLUDE'} ; $ZLIB_LIB = defined $ENV{'ZLIB_LIB'} ?$ENV{'ZLIB_LIB'} : $Info{'LIB'} ; $USE_ZLIB_NG = getBoolean('USE_ZLIB_NG', \%Info); if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $ZLIB_INCLUDE = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($ZLIB_INCLUDE); $ZLIB_LIB = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($ZLIB_LIB); } $OLD_ZLIB = '-DOLD_ZLIB' if getBoolean('OLD_ZLIB', \%Info); $BUILD_ZLIB = getBoolean('BUILD_ZLIB', \%Info); if ($BUILD_ZLIB ) { # ZLIB_LIB & ZLIB_INCLUDE must point to the same place when # BUILD_ZLIB is specified. die "INCLUDE & LIB must be the same when BUILD_ZLIB is True\n" if $ZLIB_LIB ne $ZLIB_INCLUDE ; # Check the zlib source directory exists die "LIB/INCLUDE directory '$ZLIB_LIB' does not exits\n" unless -d $ZLIB_LIB ; # check for a well known file if ($USE_ZLIB_NG) { die "LIB/INCLUDE directory, '$ZLIB_LIB', doesn't seem to have the zlib-ng source files\n" unless -e catfile($ZLIB_LIB, 'zlib-ng.h') ; } else { die "LIB/INCLUDE directory, '$ZLIB_LIB', doesn't seem to have the zlib source files\n" unless -e catfile($ZLIB_LIB, 'zlib.h') ; } # write the Makefile print "Building Zlib enabled\n" ; } $GZIP_OS_CODE = defined $ENV{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} ? $ENV{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} : $Info{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} ; die "GZIP_OS_CODE not 'AUTO_DETECT' or a number between 0 and 255\n" unless uc $GZIP_OS_CODE eq 'AUTO_DETECT' || ( $GZIP_OS_CODE =~ /^(\d+)$/ && $1 >= 0 && $1 <= 255) ; if (uc $GZIP_OS_CODE eq 'AUTO_DETECT') { print "Auto Detect Gzip OS Code..\n" ; $GZIP_OS_CODE = getOSCode() ; } my $name = getOSname($GZIP_OS_CODE); print "Setting Gzip OS Code to $GZIP_OS_CODE [$name]\n" ; print <<EOM if 0 ; INCLUDE [$ZLIB_INCLUDE] LIB [$ZLIB_LIB] GZIP_OS_CODE [$GZIP_OS_CODE] OLD_ZLIB [$OLD_ZLIB] BUILD_ZLIB [$BUILD_ZLIB] USE_ZLIB_NG [$USE_ZLIB_NG] EOM print "Looks Good.\n" ; } sub zlib_files { my $dir = shift ; my @h_files = (); my @c_files = (); if (-f catfile($dir, "infback.c")) { # zlib 1.2.0 or greater # @h_files = qw(crc32.h inffast.h inflate.h trees.h zconf.in.h zutil.h deflate.h inffixed.h inftrees.h zconf.h zlib.h ); @c_files = qw(adler32 crc32 infback inflate uncompr compress deflate inffast inftrees trees zutil ); } else { # zlib 1.1.x @h_files = qw(deflate.h infcodes.h inftrees.h zconf.h zutil.h infblock.h inffast.h infutil.h zlib.h ); @c_files = qw(adler32 compress crc32 uncompr deflate trees zutil inflate infblock inftrees infcodes infutil inffast ); } @h_files = map { catfile($dir, $_) } @h_files ; my @o_files = map { "$_\$(OBJ_EXT)" } 'Zlib', @c_files; @c_files = map { "$_.c" } 'Zlib', @c_files ; foreach my $file (@c_files) { copy(catfile($dir, $file), '.') } return ( #'H' => [ @h_files ], 'C' => [ @c_files ] , #'OBJECT' => qq[ @o_files ], 'OBJECT' => q[ $(O_FILES) ], ) ; } use vars qw ( @GZIP_OS_Names %OSnames) ; BEGIN { @GZIP_OS_Names = ( [ '' => 0, 'MS-DOS' ], [ 'amigaos' => 1, 'Amiga' ], [ 'VMS' => 2, 'VMS' ], [ '' => 3, 'Unix/Default' ], [ '' => 4, 'VM/CMS' ], [ '' => 5, 'Atari TOS' ], [ 'os2' => 6, 'HPFS (OS/2, NT)' ], [ 'MacOS' => 7, 'Macintosh' ], [ '' => 8, 'Z-System' ], [ '' => 9, 'CP/M' ], [ '' => 10, 'TOPS-20' ], [ '' => 11, 'NTFS (NT)' ], [ '' => 12, 'SMS QDOS' ], [ '' => 13, 'Acorn RISCOS' ], [ 'MSWin32' => 14, 'VFAT file system (Win95, NT)' ], [ '' => 15, 'MVS' ], [ 'beos' => 16, 'BeOS' ], [ '' => 17, 'Tandem/NSK' ], [ '' => 18, 'THEOS' ], [ '' => 255, 'Unknown OS' ], ); %OSnames = map { $$_[1] => $$_[2] } @GZIP_OS_Names ; } sub getOSCode { my $default = 3 ; # Unix is the default my $uname = $^O; for my $h (@GZIP_OS_Names) { my ($pattern, $code, $name) = @$h; return $code if $pattern && $uname eq $pattern ; } return $default ; } sub getOSname { my $code = shift ; return $OSnames{$code} || 'Unknown OS' ; } # end of file Makefile.PL