편집 파일: talk-to-ourself
#!perl use strict; use warnings; # This program check if we are able to talk to ourself. Misconfigured # systems that can't talk to their own 'hostname' was the most commonly # reported libwww-failure. use IO::Select (); use IO::Socket (); if (@ARGV >= 2 && $ARGV[0] eq "--port") { my $port = $ARGV[1]; my $host = ''; if (my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host:$port", Timeout => 5)) { if (IO::Select->new($socket)->can_read(1)) { my($n, $buf); if ($n = sysread($socket, $buf, 512)) { exit if $buf eq "Hi there!\n"; die "Seems to be talking to the wrong server at $host:$port, got \"$buf\"\n"; } elsif (defined $n) { die "Immediate EOF from server at $host:$port\n"; } else { die "Can't read from server at $host:$port: $!"; } } die "No response from server at $host:$port\n"; } die "Can't connect: $@\n"; } # server code my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 1, Timeout => 5, LocalAddr => ''); my $port = $socket->sockport; open(my $CLIENT, qq("$^X" "$0" --port $port |)) || die "Can't run $^X $0: $!\n"; if (my $client = $socket->accept) { print $client "Hi there!\n"; close($client) || die "Can't close socket: $!"; } else { warn "Test server timeout\n"; } exit if close($CLIENT); die "Can't wait for client: $!" if $!; die "The can-we-talk-to-ourself test failed.\n";