편집 파일: htmlconf.storable
pst0 /etc/munin/munin-conf.d includedir #%#parent /etc/munin/templates/ tmpldir #%#graphs_fh root #%#name /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph cgiurl_graph /var/lib/munin/spool spooldir� #%#visible� dropdownlimit /var/log/munin logdir 2.0.30 version /etc/munin/static/ staticdir /var/run/munin rundir /var/lib/munin dbdir (/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/munin htmldir digitalplus1.com #%#name� #%#visible root #%#ParentsNameAsString #%#parent 0 exim_mailstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min DERIVE type received label AREA draw , update_rate received #%#name #%#parent normal graph_data_size received normal graph_data_size #%#parent , update_rate rejected #%#name DERIVE type rejected label exim_mailstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min rejected exim_mailstats #%#name no graph_scale Exim mail throughput graph_title #%#parent mails/${graph_period} graph_vlabel exim graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args 0 min exim_mailstats #%#ParentsNameAsString DERIVE type completed label completed #%#name , update_rate #%#parent normal graph_data_size completed� #%#has_subservices� #%#is_service received completed rejected graph_order exim_mailstats � #%#is_service #%#parent threads graph_order threads graph_vlabel --base 1000 graph_args MySQL threads graph_title mysql_threads #%#name� #%#has_subservices mysql threads label mysql_threads #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size G #%#parent , update_rate threads #%#name threads �Note that this is a old plugin which is no longer installed by default. It is retained for compatability with old installations. graph_info nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString mysql graph_category mysql_threads #%#parent number of open inodes graph_vlabel Inode table usage graph_title open_inodes #%#name open_inodes #%#ParentsNameAsString OThe size of the system inode table. This is dynamically adjusted by the kernel. info inode table size label \ #%#parent normal graph_data_size max #%#name , update_rate max� #%#is_service used max graph_order --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args� #%#has_subservices $The number of currently open inodes. info open_inodes #%#ParentsNameAsString open inodes label used #%#name , update_rate \ #%#parent normal graph_data_size used /This graph monitors the Linux open inode table. graph_info nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString system graph_category open_inodes forks graph_order forks / ${graph_period} graph_vlabel #%#parent� #%#is_service� #%#has_subservices forks #%#name Fork rate graph_title --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args HThis graph shows the number of forks (new processes started) per second. graph_info processes graph_category forks label DERIVE type 0 min forks #%#ParentsNameAsString The number of forks per second. info 100000 max forks #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size { #%#parent forks nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString forks system graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString� #%#has_subservices , update_rate swap_in #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent DERIVE type swap label swap #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min 100000 max no graph swap_in swap #%#name Swap in/out graph_title -l 0 --base 1000 graph_args swap_in swap_out graph_order *pages per ${graph_period} in (-) / out (+) graph_vlabel swap #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min DERIVE type swap label 100000 max , update_rate swap_out #%#name swap_in negative � #%#parent normal graph_data_size swap_out #%#parent� #%#is_service swap � #%#is_service AREASTACK draw Users logged in on an X display info users #%#ParentsNameAsString X displays label � #%#parent 000000 colour normal graph_data_size , update_rate X #%#name X tty pty pts X other graph_order --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args� #%#has_subservices nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString system graph_category 00FF00 colour normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate tty #%#name AREASTACK draw tty label users #%#ParentsNameAsString tty #%#parent Users graph_vlabel no graph_scale Logged in users graph_title users #%#name pts label users #%#ParentsNameAsString AREASTACK draw , update_rate pts #%#name 00FFFF colour normal graph_data_size � #%#parent pts normal graph_data_size FF0000 colour � #%#parent other #%#name , update_rate Other users label 'Users logged in by indeterminate method info users #%#ParentsNameAsString other AREASTACK draw users #%#ParentsNameAsString pty label � #%#parent 0000FF colour normal graph_data_size pty #%#name , update_rate pty %3.0lf graph_printf users down up down up graph_order )bits in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period} graph_vlabel normal graph_data_size up,8,* cdef , update_rate bps label bTraffic of the eth0 interface. Unable to determine interface speed. Please run the plugin as root. info if_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min � #%#parent down negative up #%#name DERIVE type up #%#parent� #%#is_service� #%#has_subservices if_eth0 #%#name --base 1000 graph_args eth0 traffic graph_title @This graph shows the traffic of the eth0 network interface. Please note that the traffic is shown in bits per second, not bytes. IMPORTANT: On 32-bit systems the data source for this plugin uses 32-bit counters, which makes the plugin unreliable and unsuitable for most 100-Mb/s (or faster) interfaces, where traffic is expected to exceed 50 Mb/s over a 5 minute period. This means that this plugin is unsuitable for most 32-bit production environments. To avoid this problem, use the ip_ plugin instead. There should be no problems on 64-bit systems running 64-bit kernels. graph_info no graph DERIVE type received label 0 min if_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size down,8,* cdef � #%#parent down #%#name , update_rate down network graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString if_eth0 normal graph_data_size #%#parent rxdrop #%#name , update_rate no graph COUNTER type drops label if_err_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString rxdrop ,packets in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period} graph_vlabel #%#parent eth0 errors graph_title if_err_eth0 #%#name bThis graph shows the amount of errors, packet drops, and collisions on the eth0 network interface. graph_info normal graph_data_size #%#parent rxdrop negative txdrop #%#name , update_rate COUNTER type drops label if_err_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString txdrop nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString network graph_category .rcvd trans rcvd trans rxdrop txdrop collisions graph_order� #%#is_service� #%#has_subservices if_err_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString collisions label COUNTER type #%#parent normal graph_data_size collisions #%#name , update_rate collisions --base 1000 graph_args no graph if_err_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString errors label COUNTER type 1 warning #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate rcvd #%#name rcvd COUNTER type errors label if_err_eth0 #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size #%#parent 1 warning rcvd negative trans #%#name , update_rate trans if_err_eth0 )This graph shows the load time in seconds graph_info network graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString� #%#is_service http___localhost_ graph_order --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args� #%#has_subservices http://localhost/ label http_loadtime #%#ParentsNameAsString page load time info , update_rate http___localhost_ #%#name normal graph_data_size _ #%#parent http___localhost_ #%#parent Load time in seconds graph_vlabel http_loadtime #%#name HTTP loadtime of a page graph_title http_loadtime #%#parent� #%#is_service Bytes graph_vlabel free graph_order mysql_innodb #%#name --base 1024 graph_args MySQL InnoDB free tablespace graph_title� #%#has_subservices , update_rate free #%#name 1073741824: critical normal graph_data_size 2147483648: warning u #%#parent GAUGE type Bytes free label mysql_innodb #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min free #Free bytes in the InnoDB tablespace graph_info mysql graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString mysql_innodb xThis graph shows the number of interrupts and context switches on the system. These are typically high on a busy system. graph_info interrupts label DERIVE type 0 min interrupts #%#ParentsNameAsString �Interrupts are events that alter sequence of instructions executed by a processor. They can come from either hardware (exceptions, NMI, IRQ) or software. info 100000 max intr #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size � #%#parent intr system graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString +interrupts & ctx switches / ${graph_period} graph_vlabel intr ctx graph_order � #%#parent normal graph_data_size ctx #%#name , update_rate 100000 max 0 min interrupts #%#ParentsNameAsString �A context switch occurs when a multitasking operatings system suspends the currently running process, and starts executing another. info context switches label DERIVE type ctx #%#parent� #%#is_service� #%#has_subservices interrupts #%#name Interrupts and context switches graph_title --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args interrupts VThis graph shows the temperature in degrees Celsius of the hard drives in the machine. graph_info sensors graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString sda sdb graph_order hddtemp_smartctl #%#ParentsNameAsString sdb label 100 max , update_rate sdb #%#name 60 critical 57 warning � #%#parent normal graph_data_size sdb� #%#is_service� #%#has_subservices Degrees Celsius graph_vlabel #%#parent hddtemp_smartctl #%#name hddtemp_smartctl #%#ParentsNameAsString sda label 100 max 60 critical sda #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent 57 warning normal graph_data_size sda HDD temperature graph_title hddtemp_smartctl #%#parent LINE1 draw diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min GAUGE type md0 label � #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate md0_wrbytes #%#name md0_rdbytes negative md0_wrbytes diskstats_throughput #%#name LINE1 draw md1 label GAUGE type diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min normal graph_data_size � #%#parent md1_rdbytes negative , update_rate md1_wrbytes #%#name md1_wrbytes Throughput per device graph_title � #%#parent� #%#is_service 'Pr ${graph_period} read (-) / write (+) graph_vlabel rdbytes wrbytes graph_order sda #%#name --base 1024 graph_args rdbytes negative wrbytes #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size � #%#parent Bytes label GAUGE type 0 min sda #%#ParentsNameAsString LINE1 draw wrbytes Disk throughput for /dev/sda graph_title� #%#has_subservices xThis graph shows disk throughput in bytes pr ${graph_period}. The graph base is 1024 so KB is for Kibi bytes and so on. graph_info disk graph_category diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString rdbytes #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size � #%#parent GAUGE type invisible label 0 min sda #%#ParentsNameAsString LINE1 draw no graph rdbytes sda �This graph shows averaged throughput for the given disk in bytes. Higher throughput is usualy linked with higher service time/latency (separate graph). The graph base is 1024 yeilding Kibi- and Mebi-bytes. graph_info 400 graph_width LINE1 draw no graph sda label GAUGE type 0 min diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size � #%#parent sda_rdbytes #%#name , update_rate sda_rdbytes , update_rate sdb_wrbytes #%#name sdb_rdbytes negative � #%#parent normal graph_data_size diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min GAUGE type sdb label LINE1 draw sdb_wrbytes --base 1024 graph_args sdb_rdbytes #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size 0 min diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString GAUGE type sdb label no graph LINE1 draw sdb_rdbytes� #%#visible no graph LINE1 draw md1 #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min GAUGE type invisible label ? #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate rdbytes #%#name rdbytes disk graph_category diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString xThis graph shows disk throughput in bytes pr ${graph_period}. The graph base is 1024 so KB is for Kibi bytes and so on. graph_info� #%#has_subservices md1 #%#name --base 1024 graph_args GAUGE type Bytes label 0 min md1 #%#ParentsNameAsString LINE1 draw rdbytes negative wrbytes #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size ? #%#parent wrbytes Disk throughput for /dev/md1 graph_title 'Pr ${graph_period} read (-) / write (+) graph_vlabel rdbytes wrbytes graph_order � #%#parent� #%#is_service md1 LINE1 draw GAUGE type sda label 0 min diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size � #%#parent sda_rdbytes negative sda_wrbytes #%#name , update_rate sda_wrbytes *Bytes/${graph_period} read (-) / write (+) graph_vlabel LINE1 draw no graph invisible label GAUGE type md0 #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min normal graph_data_size q #%#parent , update_rate rdbytes #%#name rdbytes diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString disk graph_category xThis graph shows disk throughput in bytes pr ${graph_period}. The graph base is 1024 so KB is for Kibi bytes and so on. graph_info� #%#has_subservices Disk throughput for /dev/md0 graph_title --base 1024 graph_args q #%#parent normal graph_data_size wrbytes #%#name , update_rate rdbytes negative LINE1 draw 0 min md0 #%#ParentsNameAsString GAUGE type Bytes label wrbytes md0 #%#name 'Pr ${graph_period} read (-) / write (+) graph_vlabel rdbytes wrbytes graph_order� #%#is_service � #%#parent md0 , update_rate md1_rdbytes #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent GAUGE type md1 label diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min LINE1 draw no graph md1_rdbytes disk graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min GAUGE type md0 label no graph LINE1 draw , update_rate md0_rdbytes #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size md0_rdbytes sdb #%#name --base 1024 graph_args LINE1 draw GAUGE type Bytes label sdb #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min normal graph_data_size � #%#parent rdbytes negative , update_rate wrbytes #%#name wrbytes Disk throughput for /dev/sdb graph_title� #%#has_subservices � #%#parent� #%#is_service rdbytes wrbytes graph_order 'Pr ${graph_period} read (-) / write (+) graph_vlabel disk graph_category diskstats_throughput #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min sdb #%#ParentsNameAsString invisible label GAUGE type no graph LINE1 draw rdbytes #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size rdbytes xThis graph shows disk throughput in bytes pr ${graph_period}. The graph base is 1024 so KB is for Kibi bytes and so on. graph_info sdb� #%#is_service _md0_rdbytes md0_wrbytes md1_rdbytes md1_wrbytes sda_rdbytes sda_wrbytes sdb_rdbytes sdb_wrbytes graph_order� #%#has_subservices diskstats_throughput #%#parent � #%#is_service #%#parent I/O sleep label GAUGE type vmstat #%#ParentsNameAsString 500000 max , update_rate sleep #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent sleep process states graph_vlabel wait sleep graph_order VMstat graph_title --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args vmstat #%#name� #%#has_subservices 500000 max vmstat #%#ParentsNameAsString GAUGE type running label � #%#parent normal graph_data_size wait #%#name , update_rate wait nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString processes graph_category vmstat digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString rxdrop negative txdrop #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size � #%#parent COUNTER type drops label if_err_eth1 #%#ParentsNameAsString txdrop bThis graph shows the amount of errors, packet drops, and collisions on the eth1 network interface. graph_info nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString network graph_category� #%#is_service .rcvd trans rcvd trans rxdrop txdrop collisions graph_order rcvd #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent 1 warning normal graph_data_size if_err_eth1 #%#ParentsNameAsString COUNTER type errors label no graph rcvd normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate collisions #%#name collisions label COUNTER type if_err_eth1 #%#ParentsNameAsString collisions --base 1000 graph_args COUNTER type errors label if_err_eth1 #%#ParentsNameAsString rcvd negative , update_rate trans #%#name normal graph_data_size 1 warning � #%#parent trans� #%#has_subservices #%#parent � #%#parent normal graph_data_size rxdrop #%#name , update_rate no graph if_err_eth1 #%#ParentsNameAsString COUNTER type drops label rxdrop ,packets in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period} graph_vlabel eth1 errors graph_title if_err_eth1 #%#name if_err_eth1 � #%#is_service S_dev_shm _run _sys_fs_cgroup _dev_md1 _dev_md0 _dev_loop0 _run_user_980 _run_user_0 graph_order , update_rate _dev_loop0 #%#name 98 critical 92 warning : #%#parent normal graph_data_size df #%#ParentsNameAsString /tmp label _dev_loop0 --upper-limit 100 -l 0 graph_args /sys/fs/cgroup label df #%#ParentsNameAsString _sys_fs_cgroup #%#name 98 critical , update_rate normal graph_data_size : #%#parent 92 warning _sys_fs_cgroup� #%#has_subservices /dev/shm label df #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size : #%#parent 92 warning 98 critical _dev_shm #%#name , update_rate _dev_shm : #%#parent 92 warning normal graph_data_size 98 critical _dev_md0 #%#name , update_rate df #%#ParentsNameAsString /boot label _dev_md0 /run/user/0 label df #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size : #%#parent 92 warning _run_user_0 #%#name 98 critical , update_rate _run_user_0 disk graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString 98 critical _dev_md1 #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size : #%#parent 92 warning / label df #%#ParentsNameAsString _dev_md1 #%#parent % graph_vlabel df #%#name df #%#ParentsNameAsString /run/user/980 label 98 critical _run_user_980 #%#name , update_rate : #%#parent 92 warning normal graph_data_size _run_user_980 no graph_scale Disk usage in percent graph_title /run label df #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size : #%#parent 92 warning _run #%#name 98 critical , update_rate _run df 0 normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate iMCE #%#name Machine check exceptions label DERIVE type irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 6Interrupt MCE, for device(s): Machine check exceptions info 0 min iMCE nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString Ei0 i1 i8 i9 i12 i16 i18 i23 i34 i35 i36 i37 i38 i39 i40 i41 i42 i43 iNMI iLOC iSPU iPMI iIWI iRTR iRES iCAL iTLB iTRM iTHR iDFR iMCE iMCP iERR iMIS iPIN iNPI iPIW i0 i1 i8 i9 i12 i16 i18 i23 i34 i35 i36 i37 i38 i39 i40 i41 i42 i43 iNMI iLOC iSPU iPMI iIWI iRTR iRES iCAL iTLB iTRM iTHR iDFR iMCE iMCP iERR iMIS iPIN iNPI iPIW graph_order� #%#is_service � #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate iNMI #%#name 5Interrupt NMI, for device(s): Non-maskable interrupts info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min DERIVE type Non-maskable interrupts label iNMI , update_rate i39 #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString (Interrupt 39, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-3 info 0 min eth1-TxRx-3 label DERIVE type i39 DERIVE type eth1-TxRx-0 label 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString (Interrupt 36, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-0 info normal graph_data_size � #%#parent i36 #%#name , update_rate i36 Spurious interrupts label DERIVE type irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 1Interrupt SPU, for device(s): Spurious interrupts info 0 min , update_rate iSPU #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iSPU 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString Interrupt 8, for device(s): rtc0 info rtc0 label DERIVE type � #%#parent normal graph_data_size i8 #%#name , update_rate i8 i12 #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size 0 min "Interrupt 12, for device(s): i8042 info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString DERIVE type i8042 label i12 TLB shootdowns label DERIVE type ,Interrupt TLB, for device(s): TLB shootdowns info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min , update_rate iTLB #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iTLB interrupts / ${graph_period} graph_vlabel normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate i1 #%#name DERIVE type i8042 label !Interrupt 1, for device(s): i8042 info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min i1 normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iMIS #%#name , update_rate MIS label DERIVE type 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString iMIS !Interrupt 0, for device(s): timer info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min DERIVE type timer label � #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate i0 #%#name i0 � #%#parent normal graph_data_size i35 #%#name , update_rate 0 min !Interrupt 35, for device(s): eth1 info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString DERIVE type eth1 label i35 DERIVE type Local timer interrupts label 4Interrupt LOC, for device(s): Local timer interrupts info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate iLOC #%#name iLOC ehci_hcd:usb1 label DERIVE type 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString *Interrupt 16, for device(s): ehci_hcd:usb1 info normal graph_data_size � #%#parent i16 #%#name , update_rate i16 normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iTRM #%#name , update_rate DERIVE type Thermal event interrupts label 0 min 6Interrupt TRM, for device(s): Thermal event interrupts info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString iTRM � #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate i41 #%#name irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString (Interrupt 41, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-5 info 0 min eth1-TxRx-5 label DERIVE type i41 � #%#parent normal graph_data_size iTHR #%#name , update_rate 0 min 7Interrupt THR, for device(s): Threshold APIC interrupts info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString Threshold APIC interrupts label DERIVE type iTHR iDFR #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size 0 min <Interrupt DFR, for device(s): Deferred Error APIC interrupts info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString Deferred Error APIC interrupts label DERIVE type iDFR #%#parent ERR label DERIVE type 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iERR #%#name , update_rate iERR Individual interrupts graph_title , update_rate i43 #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent DERIVE type eth1-TxRx-7 label irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString (Interrupt 43, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-7 info 0 min i43 system graph_category � #%#parent normal graph_data_size i37 #%#name , update_rate 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString (Interrupt 37, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-1 info eth1-TxRx-1 label DERIVE type i37 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString *Interrupt 23, for device(s): ehci_hcd:usb2 info DERIVE type ehci_hcd:usb2 label i23 #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size i23� #%#has_subservices normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate i38 #%#name DERIVE type eth1-TxRx-2 label (Interrupt 38, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-2 info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min i38 iRTR #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size 0 min 3Interrupt RTR, for device(s): APIC ICR read retries info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString APIC ICR read retries label DERIVE type iRTR Posted-interrupt wakeup event label DERIVE type irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString ;Interrupt PIW, for device(s): Posted-interrupt wakeup event info 0 min normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate iPIW #%#name iPIW Shows the number of different IRQs received by the kernel. High disk or network traffic can cause a high number of interrupts (with good hardware and drivers this will be less so). Sudden high interrupt activity with no associated higher system activity is not normal. graph_info DERIVE type Rescheduling interrupts label irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 5Interrupt RES, for device(s): Rescheduling interrupts info 0 min , update_rate iRES #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iRES , update_rate i9 #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size Interrupt 9, for device(s): acpi info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min acpi label DERIVE type i9 normal graph_data_size � #%#parent i34 #%#name , update_rate DERIVE type 0000:00:1f.2 label 0 min irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString )Interrupt 34, for device(s): 0000:00:1f.2 info i34 , update_rate iPMI #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString ?Interrupt PMI, for device(s): Performance monitoring interrupts info 0 min !Performance monitoring interrupts label DERIVE type iPMI DERIVE type Nested posted-interrupt event label irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString ;Interrupt NPI, for device(s): Nested posted-interrupt event info 0 min , update_rate iNPI #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iNPI --base 1000 --logarithmic graph_args Function call interrupts label DERIVE type irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 6Interrupt CAL, for device(s): Function call interrupts info 0 min , update_rate iCAL #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iCAL 0 min 'Interrupt 18, for device(s): i801_smbus info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString i801_smbus label DERIVE type i18 #%#name , update_rate � #%#parent normal graph_data_size i18 i40 #%#name , update_rate normal graph_data_size � #%#parent DERIVE type eth1-TxRx-4 label 0 min (Interrupt 40, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-4 info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString i40 � #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate iPIN #%#name AInterrupt PIN, for device(s): Posted-interrupt notification event info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min DERIVE type #Posted-interrupt notification event label iPIN DERIVE type IRQ work interrupts label irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 1Interrupt IWI, for device(s): IRQ work interrupts info 0 min , update_rate iIWI #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent iIWI , update_rate iMCP #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size 1Interrupt MCP, for device(s): Machine check polls info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min Machine check polls label DERIVE type iMCP irqstats #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size i42 #%#name , update_rate 0 min (Interrupt 42, for device(s): eth1-TxRx-6 info irqstats #%#ParentsNameAsString DERIVE type eth1-TxRx-6 label i42 irqstats 9 #%#parent normal graph_data_size cc0000 colour stopped #%#name , update_rate STACK draw *The number of stopped or traced processes. info processes #%#ParentsNameAsString stopped label stopped , update_rate dead #%#name ff0000 colour normal graph_data_size 9 #%#parent dead label The number of dead processes. info processes #%#ParentsNameAsString STACK draw dead processes #%#ParentsNameAsString The total number of processes. info total label LINE1 draw processes #%#name , update_rate 9 #%#parent normal graph_data_size c0c0c0 colour processes paging label 3The number of paging processes (<2.6 kernels only). info processes #%#ParentsNameAsString STACK draw , update_rate paging #%#name 00aaaa colour normal graph_data_size 9 #%#parent paging #%#parent Number of processes graph_vlabel Processes graph_title processes #%#name (This graph shows the number of processes graph_info STACK draw zombie label processes #%#ParentsNameAsString UThe number of defunct (zombie) processes (process terminated and parent not waiting). info normal graph_data_size 990000 colour 9 #%#parent , update_rate zombie #%#name zombie nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString 5The number of uninterruptible processes (usually IO). info processes #%#ParentsNameAsString uninterruptible label STACK draw , update_rate uninterruptible #%#name 9 #%#parent normal graph_data_size ffa500 colour uninterruptible processes graph_category AREA draw !The number of sleeping processes. info processes #%#ParentsNameAsString sleeping label 9 #%#parent 0022ff colour normal graph_data_size , update_rate sleeping #%#name sleeping 22ff22 colour normal graph_data_size 9 #%#parent runnable #%#name , update_rate STACK draw runnable label 4The number of runnable processes (on the run queue). info processes #%#ParentsNameAsString runnable� #%#is_service �sleeping stopped zombie dead paging uninterruptible runnable processes dead paging sleeping uninterruptible zombie stopped runnable processes graph_order --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args� #%#has_subservices processes� #%#visible mysql graph_category nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString �Note that this is a old plugin which is no longer installed by default. It is retained for compatability with old installations. graph_info� #%#has_subservices --base 1024 graph_args recv sent graph_order 80000000 max LINE2 draw no graph DERIVE type transfer rate label 0 min mysql_bytes #%#ParentsNameAsString normal graph_data_size � #%#parent recv #%#name , update_rate recv 0 min mysql_bytes #%#ParentsNameAsString transfer rate label DERIVE type 80000000 max LINE2 draw sent #%#name , update_rate recv negative � #%#parent normal graph_data_size sent� #%#is_service mysql_bytes #%#name MySQL throughput graph_title 1bytes received (-) / sent (+) per ${graph_period} graph_vlabel #%#parent mysql_bytes mysql graph_category DERIVE type replace label mysql_queries #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min AREA draw 500000 max , update_rate replace #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent replace nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString insert label DERIVE type mysql_queries #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min STACK draw 500000 max , update_rate insert #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent insert total graph_total �Note that this is a old plugin which is no longer installed by default. It is retained for compatability with old installations. graph_info , update_rate update #%#name normal graph_data_size � #%#parent update label DERIVE type mysql_queries #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min 500000 max STACK draw update � #%#parent normal graph_data_size , update_rate select #%#name STACK draw 500000 max mysql_queries #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min select label DERIVE type select , update_rate cache_hits #%#name � #%#parent normal graph_data_size mysql_queries #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min cache_hits label DERIVE type STACK draw 500000 max cache_hits --base 1000 graph_args� #%#has_subservices� #%#is_service .replace update delete cache_hits insert select graph_order normal graph_data_size � #%#parent , update_rate delete #%#name 500000 max STACK draw DERIVE type delete label mysql_queries #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min delete mysql_queries #%#name MySQL queries graph_title #%#parent queries / ${graph_period} graph_vlabel mysql_queries nc-ph-0117-89.digitalplus1.com #%#ParentsNameAsString network graph_category received forwarded graph_order� #%#is_service� #%#has_subservices --base 1000 -l 0 graph_args , update_rate received #%#name #%#parent normal graph_data_size fw_packets #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min DERIVE type Received label AREA draw received Packets/${graph_period} graph_vlabel #%#parent DERIVE type Forwarded label fw_packets #%#ParentsNameAsString 0 min LINE2 draw , update_rate forwarded #%#name normal graph_data_size #%#parent forwarded Firewall Throughput graph_title fw_packets #%#name fw_packets entropy graph_order entropy (bytes) graph_vlabel� #%#is_service #%#parent� #%#has_subservices entropy label entropy #%#ParentsNameAsString [The number of random bytes available. This is typically used by cryptographic applications. info , update_rate entropy #%#name normal graph_data_size >