편집 파일: recountdiff
#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # # recountdiff - recompute patch counts and offsets # Copyright (C) 2002 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use Getopt::Std; getopts('-:', \%opts); if ($opts{'-'} && $opts{'-'} eq 'version') { print "recountdiff - patchutils version 0.3.3\n"; exit 0; } if ($opts{'-'} && $opts{'-'} eq 'help') { print "usage: recountdiff [FILE...]\n"; exit 0; } @line=<>; # First pass: fix up the counts. $i=-1; $state=0; $chunk_start = 0; $orig=0; $new=0; $orig_offset=0; $new_offset=0; $misc=""; @off_lines = (); while ($i < $#line) { $i++; $_=$line[$i]; if ($state == 0) { # Looking for the start of a file change. unless(/^--- /) { next; } $state++; } elsif ($state == 1) { # Should be '+++ ...'. unless (/^\+\+\+ /) { if (/^--- /) { $state = 1; } else { $state = 0; } next; } $state++; } elsif ($state == 2) { # Start of chunk. Should be '@@ ...' unless (/^@@ -(\d+),?(\d+)? \+(\d+),?(\d+)? @@(.*)$/) { if (/^--- /) { $state = 1; } else { $state = 0; } next; } ($orig_offset,$new_offset,$misc) = ($1,$3,$5); $orig_offset++ if defined($2) and $2 == 0; $new_offset++ if defined($4) and $4 == 0; $state++; $orig=0; $new=0; $chunk_start = $i + 1; } elsif ($state == 3) { # Counting lines. my $spit = 0; if (/^ /) { $orig++; $new++; } elsif (/^\+/) { $new++; } elsif (/^-/) { # Look out for new file changes. if (/^--- /) { if ($i+2 <= $#line) { if ($line[$i+2] =~ /^@/) { $spit = 1; } } } else { $orig++; } } elsif (/^\\/) { } else { $spit = 1; } $spit = 1 if ($i == $#line); if ($spit) { # Spit them out. $chunk_start--; $orig_offset-- if ($orig == 0); $new_offset-- if ($new == 0); $line[$chunk_start] = "@@ -$orig_offset"; $line[$chunk_start] .= ",$orig" if ($orig != 1); $line[$chunk_start] .= " +$new_offset"; $line[$chunk_start] .= ",$new" if ($new != 1); $line[$chunk_start] .= " @@" . "$misc\n"; push (@off_lines, $chunk_start); if (/^@/) { $state = 2; $i--; } else { $state = 0; $i--; push (@off_lines, -1) } } } } # Second pass: fix up the offsets. $offset = 0; foreach (@off_lines) { if ($_ == -1) { $offset = 0; next; } $line[$_] =~ /^@@ -(\d+),?(\d+)? \+(\d+),?(\d+)? @@(.*)$/; ($ooff,$oc,$nc,$misc) = ($1,$2,$4,$5); $oc = 1 unless defined($oc); $nc = 1 unless defined($nc); $noff = $ooff + $offset; $noff++ if ($oc == 0); $noff-- if ($nc == 0); $line[$_] = "@@ -$ooff"; $line[$_] .= ",$oc" if ($oc != 1); $line[$_] .= " +$noff"; $line[$_] .= ",$nc" if ($nc != 1); $line[$_] .= " @@" . "$misc\n"; $offset += $nc - $oc; } print @line;