편집 파일: sqlspi.h
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: sqlspi.h Contents: This is the header for driver writers to support new ODBC features. Application writers should not include this header file Please include <sql.h> and <sqlext.h> before including this file Based on the sqlspi.h provided by Microsoft -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __SQLSPI__ #define __SQLSPI__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { // Assume C declarations for C++ #endif // End of __cplusplus /* SQL_SPI is just a marker for "Service Provider Interface", otherwise it is the same as API Application should not call functions that are marked as SQL_SPI directly */ #define SQL_SPI SQL_API /*-------------------- ODBC Connection Info Handle -----------------------------*/ /* handle for storing connection information for ODBC driver connection pooling */ #define SQL_HANDLE_DBC_INFO_TOKEN 6 // Handle type, used in SQLAllocHandle typedef SQLHANDLE SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN; /*-------------------- ODBC Pool ID for driver-aware pooling -----------------------------*/ typedef SQLULEN POOLID; typedef DWORD* TRANSID; /*-------------------- Driver-aware Connection Pooling --------------------------*/ /* We define a few scores with special meaning */ /* But driver can return any score between 0 and 100 */ typedef DWORD SQLConnPoolRating; #define SQL_CONN_POOL_RATING_BEST 100 /* the best of the rating */ #define SQL_CONN_POOL_RATING_GOOD_ENOUGH 99 /* the rating is good enough and we can stop rating */ #define SQL_CONN_POOL_RATING_USELESS 0 /* the candidate connection must not be reused for the current request */ /* SQLSetConnectAttr */ #define SQL_ATTR_DBC_INFO_TOKEN 118 /* reset the pooled connection in case it is not a perfect match */ /* Set connection attributes into DBC info token */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLSetConnectAttrForDbcInfoW( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER Value, SQLINTEGER StringLength); /* Set connection information for SQLDriverConnect */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLSetDriverConnectInfoW( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLWCHAR *szConnStrIn, SQLSMALLINT cchConnStrIn); /* Set connection information for SQLConnect */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLSetConnectInfoW ( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLWCHAR *szDSN, SQLSMALLINT cchDSN, SQLWCHAR *szUID, SQLSMALLINT cchUID, SQLWCHAR *szAuthStr, SQLSMALLINT cchAuthStr ); /* Get the pool ID for the token */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLGetPoolID( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, POOLID* pPoolID); /* Return how close hCandidateConnection matches with hRequest */ /* *pRating must be between SQL_CONN_POOL_RATING_USELESS and SQL_CONN_POOL_RATING_BEST (inclusively) */ /* If return value is not SQL_SUCCESS or *pRating > SQL_CONN_POOL_RATING_BEST, the candidate */ /* connection will not be used any more in any other connection request */ /* If fRequiresTransactionEnlistment is TRUE, transId represents the DTC transaction ID that */ /* should be enlisted to (transId == 0 means unenlistment). Otherwise, transId should be ignored */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLRateConnection( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hRequest, SQLHDBC hCandidateConnection, BOOL fRequiresTransactionEnlistment, TRANSID transId, SQLConnPoolRating *pRating); /* Create a physical connection */ /* If application is calling SQLDriverConnect, szConnStrOut is non-NULL at input. */ /* Otherwise, it will be set to NULL */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLPoolConnectW( SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLWCHAR *szConnStrOut, SQLSMALLINT cchConnStrOutMax, SQLSMALLINT *pcchConnStrOut); /* Clean up a pool Id that was timed out */ /*/ poolID [in]: the pool ID (under EnvironmentHandle) to be cleaned */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLCleanupConnectionPoolID( SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, POOLID poolID); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* functions for ANSI drivers */ /* Set connection attributes into DBC info token */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLSetConnectAttrForDbcInfoA( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER Value, SQLINTEGER StringLength); /* Set connection information for SQLDriverConnect */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLSetDriverConnectInfoA( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLCHAR *szConnStrIn, SQLSMALLINT cchConnStrIn); /* Set connection information for SQLConnect */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLSetConnectInfoA ( SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLCHAR *szDSN, SQLSMALLINT cchDSN, SQLCHAR *szUID, SQLSMALLINT cchUID, SQLCHAR *szAuthStr, SQLSMALLINT cchAuthStr ); /* Create a physical connection */ /* If application is calling SQLDriverConnect, szConnStrOut is non-NULL at input. */ /* Otherwise, it will be set to NULL */ SQLRETURN SQL_SPI SQLPoolConnectA( SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHDBC_INFO_TOKEN hDbcInfoToken, SQLCHAR *szConnStrOut, SQLSMALLINT cchConnStrOutMax, SQLSMALLINT *pcchConnStrOut); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Unicode mapping */ /* Define SQL_NOUNICODEMAP to disable the mapping */ #if (!defined(SQL_NOUNICODEMAP) && defined(UNICODE)) #define SQLSetConnectAttrForDbcInfo SQLSetConnectAttrForDbcInfoW #define SQLSetDriverConnectInfo SQLSetDriverConnectInfoW #define SQLSetConnectInfo SQLSetConnectInfoW #define SQLPoolConnect SQLPoolConnectW #else #define SQLSetConnectAttrForDbcInfo SQLSetConnectAttrForDbcInfoA #define SQLSetDriverConnectInfo SQLSetDriverConnectInfoA #define SQLSetConnectInfo SQLSetConnectInfoA #define SQLPoolConnect SQLPoolConnectA #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------- Async Notification --------------------------*/ #if (ODBCVER >= 0x0380) #define SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_DBC_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK 120 #define SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_DBC_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT 121 #define SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_STMT_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK 30 #define SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_STMT_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT 31 typedef SQLRETURN (SQL_API *SQL_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK)(SQLPOINTER pContext, BOOL fLast); #endif /* ODBCVER >= 0x0380 */ #ifdef __cplusplus } // End of extern "C" { #endif #endif