편집 파일: objectmodel.pyo
� ��^c @ s� d Z d d d d d d d d d g Z d Z d Z d Z e e BZ i e d 6e d 6e d 6e d 6Z i d e 6d e 6d e 6d e 6Z d d d � � YZ d d d � � YZ d S( s� This module provides knowledge object classes and permissions. It should be used to keep this knowledge from leaking into the more generic parts of the policy generation. t sockett fdt processt filet lnk_filet fifo_filet dbust capabilityt unix_stream_socketi i i t nt rt wt bt PermMapc B s e Z d Z d � Z d � Z RS( s A mapping between a permission and its information flow properties. PermMap represents the information flow properties of a single permission including the direction (read, write, etc.) and an abstract representation of the bandwidth of the flow (weight). c C s | | _ | | _ | | _ d S( N( t permt dirt weight( t selfR R R ( ( s: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/objectmodel.pyt __init__T s c C s d | j t | j | j f S( Ns'