편집 파일: apt_update_manager.aug
(* Module: Apt_Update_Manager Parses files in /etc/update-manager Author: Raphael Pinson <raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com> About: License This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. About: Lens Usage To be documented About: Configuration files This lens applies to files in /etc/update-manager. See <filter>. About: Examples The <Test_Apt_Update_Manager> file contains various examples and tests. *) module Apt_Update_Manager = autoload xfm (* View: comment *) let comment = IniFile.comment IniFile.comment_re IniFile.comment_default (* View: sep *) let sep = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_re IniFile.sep_default (* View: title *) let title = IniFile.title Rx.word (* View: entry *) let entry = IniFile.entry Rx.word sep comment (* View: record *) let record = IniFile.record title entry (* View: lns *) let lns = IniFile.lns record comment (* Variable: filter *) let filter = incl "/etc/update-manager/meta-release" . incl "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" . incl "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d/*" . Util.stdexcl let xfm = transform lns filter