편집 파일: cgrules.aug
(* Module: cgrules Parses /etc/cgrules.conf Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink@gmail.com> Ivana Hutarova Varekova <varekova@redhat.com> About: Licence This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. About: Lens Usage Sample usage of this lens in augtool: About: Configuration files This lens applies to /etc/cgconfig.conf. See <filter>. *) module Cgrules = autoload xfm (************************************************************************ * Group: USEFUL PRIMITIVES *************************************************************************) (* Group: Separators *) (* Variable: ws *) let ws = del /[ \t]+/ " " (* Group: Comments and empty lines *) (* Variable: eol *) let eol = Util.eol (* Variable: comment *) let comment = Util.comment (* Variable: empty *) let empty = Util.empty (* Group: Generic primitive definitions *) (* Variable: name *) let name = /[^@%# \t\n][^ \t\n]*/ (* Variable: ctrl_key *) let ctrl_key = /[^ \t\n\/]+/ (* Variable: ctrl_value *) let ctrl_value = /[^ \t\n]+/ (************************************************************************ * Group: CONTROLLER *************************************************************************) (* Variable: controller *) let controller = ws . [ key ctrl_key . ws . store ctrl_value ] let more_controller = Util.del_str "%" . controller . eol (************************************************************************ * Group: RECORDS *************************************************************************) let generic_record (lbl:string) (lns:lens) = [ label lbl . lns . controller . eol . more_controller* ] (* Variable: user_record *) let user_record = generic_record "user" (store name) (* Variable: group_record *) let group_record = generic_record "group" (Util.del_str "@" . store name) (************************************************************************ * Group: LENS & FILTER *************************************************************************) (* View: lns The main lens, any amount of * <empty> lines * <comment> * <user_record> * <group_record> *) let lns = ( empty | comment | user_record | group_record )* let xfm = transform lns (incl "/etc/cgrules.conf")