편집 파일: desktop.aug
(* Module: Desktop Desktop module for Augeas (.desktop files) Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink@gmail.com> About: Lens Usage This lens is made to provide a lens for .desktop files for augeas Reference: Freedesktop.org http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html About: License This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. *) module Desktop = (* We don't load this lens by default Since a lot of desktop files contain unicode characters which we can't parse *) (* autoload xfm *) (* Comments can be only of # type *) let comment = IniFile.comment "#" "#" (* TITLE * These represents sections of a desktop file * Example : [DesktopEntry] *) let title = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re let sep = IniFile.sep "=" "=" let setting = /[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+([][@A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)?/ (* Variable: sto_to_comment Store until comment *) let sto_to_comment = Sep.opt_space . store /[^# \t\r\n][^#\r\n]*[^# \t\r\n]|[^# \t\r\n]/ (* Entries can have comments at their end and so they are modified to represent as such *) let entry = [ key setting . sep . sto_to_comment? . (comment|IniFile.eol) ] | comment let record = IniFile.record title entry let lns = IniFile.lns record comment let filter = ( incl "/usr/share/applications/*.desktop" . incl "/usr/share/applications/screensavers/*.desktop" ) let xfm = transform lns filter