편집 파일: gtkbookmarks.aug
(* Module: GtkBookmarks Parses $HOME/.gtk-bookmarks Author: Raphael Pinson <raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com> About: License This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. About: Lens Usage To be documented About: Configuration files This lens applies to $HOME/.gtk-bookmarks. See <filter>. About: Examples The <Test_GtkBookmarks> file contains various examples and tests. *) module GtkBookmarks = autoload xfm (* View: empty Comment are not allowed, even empty comments *) let empty = Util.empty_generic Rx.opt_space (* View: entry *) let entry = [ label "bookmark" . store Rx.no_spaces . (Sep.space . [ label "label" . store Rx.space_in ])? . Util.eol ] (* View: lns *) let lns = (empty | entry)* (* View: xfm *) let xfm = transform lns (incl (Sys.getenv("HOME") . "/.gtk-bookmarks"))