편집 파일: nrpe.aug
(* Module: Nrpe Parses nagios-nrpe configuration files. Author: Marc Fournier <marc.fournier@camptocamp.com> About: License This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. *) module Nrpe = autoload xfm let eol = Util.eol let eq = Sep.equal (* View: word *) let word = /[^=\n\t ]+/ (* View: item_re *) let item_re = /[^#=\n\t\/ ]+/ - (/command\[[^]\/\n]+\]/ | "include" | "include_dir") (* View: command nrpe.cfg usually has many entries defining commands to run > command[check_foo]=/path/to/nagios/plugin -w 123 -c 456 > command[check_bar]=/path/to/another/nagios/plugin --option *) let command = let obrkt = del /\[/ "[" in let cbrkt = del /\]/ "]" in [ key "command" . [ obrkt . key /[^]\/\n]+/ . cbrkt . eq . store /[^\n]+/ . del /\n/ "\n" ] ] (* View: item regular entries > allow_bash_command_substitution=0 *) let item = [ key item_re . eq . store word . eol ] (* View: include An include entry. nrpe.cfg can include more than one file or directory of files > include=/path/to/file1.cfg > include=/path/to/file2.cfg *) let include = [ key "include" . [ label "file" . eq . store word . eol ] ] (* View: include_dir > include_dir=/path/to/dir/ *) let include_dir = [ key "include_dir" . [ label "dir" . eq . store word . eol ] ] (* View: comment Nrpe comments must start at beginning of line *) let comment = Util.comment_generic /#[ \t]*/ "# " (* blank lines and empty comments *) let empty = Util.empty (* View: lns The Nrpe lens *) let lns = ( command | include | include_dir | item | comment | empty ) * (* View: filter File filter *) let filter = incl "/etc/nrpe.cfg" . incl "/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg" let xfm = transform lns (filter)