편집 파일: shadow.aug
(* Module: Shadow Parses /etc/shadow Author: Lorenzo M. Catucci <catucci@ccd.uniroma2.it> Original Author: Free Ekanayaka <free@64studio.com> About: Reference - man 5 shadow - man 3 getspnam About: License This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. About: Each line in the shadow files represents the additional shadow-defined attributes for the corresponding user, as defined in the passwd file. *) module Shadow = autoload xfm (************************************************************************ * USEFUL PRIMITIVES *************************************************************************) let eol = Util.eol let comment = Util.comment let empty = Util.empty let dels = Util.del_str let colon = Sep.colon let word = Rx.word let integer = Rx.integer let sto_to_col = Passwd.sto_to_col let sto_to_eol = Passwd.sto_to_eol (************************************************************************ * Group: ENTRIES *************************************************************************) (* Common for entry and nisdefault *) let common = [ label "lastchange_date" . store integer? . colon ] . [ label "minage_days" . store integer? . colon ] . [ label "maxage_days" . store integer? . colon ] . [ label "warn_days" . store integer? . colon ] . [ label "inactive_days" . store integer? . colon ] . [ label "expire_date" . store integer? . colon ] . [ label "flag" . store integer? ] (* View: entry *) let entry = [ key word . colon . [ label "password" . sto_to_col? . colon ] . common . eol ] let nisdefault = let overrides = colon . [ label "password" . store word? . colon ] . common in [ dels "+" . label "@nisdefault" . overrides? . eol ] (************************************************************************ * LENS *************************************************************************) let lns = (comment|empty|entry|nisdefault) * let filter = incl "/etc/shadow" . Util.stdexcl let xfm = transform lns filter