편집 파일: subversion.aug
(* Module: Subversion Parses subversion's INI files Authors: Marc Fournier <marc.fournier@camptocamp.com> Raphael Pinson <raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com> About: License This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. About: Examples The <Test_Subversion> file contains various examples and tests. *) module Subversion = autoload xfm (************************************************************************ * Group: INI File settings * * subversion only supports comments starting with "#" * *************************************************************************) (* View: comment *) let comment = IniFile.comment_noindent "#" "#" (* View: empty An empty line or a non-indented empty comment *) let empty = IniFile.empty_noindent (* View: sep *) let sep = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_default IniFile.sep_default (************************************************************************ * Group: ENTRY * * subversion doesn't support indented entries * *************************************************************************) (* Variable: comma_list_re *) let comma_list_re = "password-stores" (* Variable: space_list_re *) let space_list_re = "global-ignores" | "preserved-conflict-file-exts" (* Variable: std_re *) let std_re = /[^ \t\r\n\/=#]+/ - (comma_list_re | space_list_re) (* View: entry_std A standard entry Similar to a <IniFile.entry_multiline_nocomment> entry, but allows ';' *) let entry_std = IniFile.entry_multiline_generic (key std_re) sep "#" comment IniFile.eol (* View: entry *) let entry = let comma_list_re = "password-stores" in let space_list_re = "global-ignores" | "preserved-conflict-file-exts" in let std_re = /[^ \t\r\n\/=#]+/ - (comma_list_re | space_list_re) in entry_std | IniFile.entry_list_nocomment comma_list_re sep Rx.word Sep.comma | IniFile.entry_list_nocomment space_list_re sep Rx.no_spaces (del /(\r?\n)?[ \t]+/ " ") (************************************************************************ * Group: TITLE * * subversion doesn't allow anonymous entries (outside sections) * *************************************************************************) (* View: title *) let title = IniFile.title IniFile.entry_re (* View: record Use the non-indented <empty> *) let record = IniFile.record_noempty title (entry|empty) (************************************************************************ * Group: LENS & FILTER *************************************************************************) (* View: lns *) let lns = IniFile.lns record comment (* Variable: filter *) let filter = incl "/etc/subversion/config" . incl "/etc/subversion/servers" let xfm = transform lns filter