편집 파일: installdirs.html
<HTML> <TITLE>File Management Install Targets</TITLE> <!-- This is an example file for the Lynx dired "install" functionality. Lynx needs to be compiled with dired support and OK_INSTALL defined. For the dired "install" function to work, this file has to exist in the HOME directory under the name ".installdirs.html" or (for 8+3, i.e. DOS-like, filesystems) "instdirs.htm". --> <BODY> <H1>Install Target directories</H1> <UL> <LH>Choose destination:</LH> <LI><A HREF="LYNXDIRED://INSTALL_DEST/~/">install in Home directory</A> <LI><A HREF="LYNXDIRED://INSTALL_DEST/~/bin">install in ~/bin</A> <LI><A HREF="LYNXDIRED://INSTALL_DEST/tmp">install in /tmp</A> </UL> </BODY> </HTML>