편집 파일: in_scope.pyc
� �� Rc @ s0 d d l Z d e j f d � � YZ e � d S( i����Nt InScopec B s e Z d Z d � Z d � Z RS( sw Return True if all the given variables or macros are in scope. Takes one argument for each variable name to be checked.c C s t t | � j d � d S( Nt in_scope( t superR t __init__( t self( ( s. /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/function/in_scope.pyR s c G s� t | � d k r t d � n t t d � | � � } t � } t j � j � } xm | r� xW | D]O } | j s� | j s� | j s� | j ra | j | k r� | j | j � q� qa qa W| j } qT W| | k S( Ni s$ in_scope takes at least one argumentc S s | j � S( N( t string( t x( ( s. /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/function/in_scope.pyt <lambda>! s ( t lent TypeErrort sett mapt gdbt selected_framet blockt is_argumentt is_constantt is_functiont is_variablet namet addt superblock( R t varst wantedt foundR t sym( ( s. /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/function/in_scope.pyt invoke s ( t __name__t __module__t __doc__R R ( ( ( s. /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/function/in_scope.pyR s ( R t FunctionR ( ( ( s. /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/function/in_scope.pyt <module> s