편집 파일: en.latin1.spl
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�lt e �i �o �s �d 'adlrt �uy �m 'asr �do �ncdnryornwy'sombie'seen 'shir Geath �yantt e �lssion �'a �s )lstwyt Gh �st e `i �o �'an Lc �tor r �se `i �dn ]rc �t jed �eglnaeijn �c �d ]r �sng �l �san �'a Feil �l �eein �eti ]y �egdoneuct ei �ln )s )dn �o )gess 'e ns nsrae `itio �o �r �d �r �saeou �ytz �ei bn �ove ls ny �e - �rsbodie �d �t 'ot <i �seo �g �rrmal �i �l �s �'adlmr �suv rei �' )d �s !nisth e `i dm �d �r �sion �'i �ss jm �tinab �tl �e �yintginael [ls �' �s �i ei �s �d nr bnovn �'i �s �se �lness /'ntd e `i �s )se bg )so �arou naeiou �'cdhm �nsadabra �' nse `i �d ]r �sa �m �n ' �os �oi �ove �' �ln �sess /ea wc =sdge `im �dm ]r �sent's �sent's �s agat �ei �o bno jnpt e �ln nrs ntess �' /e /'ceiotueioss �'e `i �d �sssa <i �' �e �snd e `i �s �d �rinl �e `i �s Lct -ei �lm ]smindedln �yesses �de �r �'i �ss jm ]a bnindedln )yesse )snt Lhlru Wvtei �l �n �rs nt �os �m �tbp ei �s �dn �r �ct �' ]sn �gti �ov �eit ]yaeiri nm wnious �lness ' /e nsnen Lc �tauct ei �l �n �o �sd ]r �s �l �n bno _vn �'i �ss ]m �tse �l �n nr �srd �ei �l #n )ss �t �t J'jnstza J'd �aa @eibl ne bnv �e �m �st e `i �zsmsa �l �'a �ei �lnia ' n �'acehiklmnoqrtuycdnprsi �aeim �ei ]y jac �e ai �sl �l �san �'s hi np �ath 7uulc �ou s �.eilor �tudlnps �e `ieraot �ei �on �o _vg [lmet �et �' e `i �sua �l �tt aei �o �sb �ntilliti ]y /ee �y #nion h' )s �d �rn 7vg �lne /ss �' �eiob bnoi �ll �in �' e `i �sr i ns ]ydenct ]e �'-a �spron �el �l n �saiimm Ze `i �s wam Ivat �ei bn �oszae `itio �n �dr �s �' �sae `ition h' )s �d �r �slmrsuadei �' nd �sn ngmpodat �ei �n �ove nalniye �m �s �d ]r �s `ii Lcsh �e `i �md �'a ei �s �n �n o tntt �'a ei �sbn Gile �y ness �' �c �tn �gerr e �im )sent h' )sei �dm �sent �' �sn �g �aeudtit wa e `i �s pei �ov �ea �e `i �llmrsturat �ei bn �o _vulat �ei �o bn �o vas �ct �eed �l #nae �it ]lti >o �ove �s d �r �som e `i �s �d �'dr �stv h'bai �tc �t al �laioym Ltinophe �n �cn �ei )cl Jeed �oaeior �ye 6a �' �b �d Lnrsnoa �r ]n �oel �n �r =svae `ib _l �d �m �r �sl e )oomat idn �'i �lno �su �cf �ti yc �eatio ]ness /'pshil �e �ei ]slo �u �genr 8mowledge `i �m Za �dm �r �sent �' �su �e �eln �rsuy Ltc �iag �u �tstic Oai =s �auaiint a e `i �snce �'s hi �perstsce `i �d �n �s Zae `i �d �m �siti �o �v �sta Ze `i �ln bceiouy �'a �s Lgdm e �i �l #n )rs )toni ]y �eou �sbnpsat �'i �sc a =sy �mhoo ~blis �' �e �sti �c �xlait �e �c �'a ehior �su �'e �onovgi �o �' �s �c Ldum �' )sn �' Za e `i �saeit �e �i �o �l #n �s �s �t �n �re 7salr �t i �l �ss �tzae mition �s �d �sa �e `ition h' �si ]y Oa �e �impt �eruessu �rnctur �ei ~se �l �n �rs �tclioc al [lvi Sr �'acdehijklmo �prstuvz �'g �hilmnp �r �ei �o �ri �n 'ai �osn tnab y 6o �' �at aeio �sb yt Gi _ldr �n's �s bnov )n ei [tr' �ss '-aei �lr �su �y �' \b �m �dn �rd �' �a �su ]m �' �ac �enstt ei �s bn �ove ne �sg ton [' 6oiovn �' Oa �se �i �' �l �sess �'ae `iobi _lli �t �d �e �r �sgrap �hc Zeitb bn rl eio �s bn �o _v ]r �'lnpq �y �'ab �ehilo �'id �a �eer �tei �d �cn �a �d �e �a �en g 'aio �'u �en �eid Wa �st e �l �n �s �r =sua �ct �eae �m �rrse `i �dn �r �s Lc `ti �ove �' �l �n �s �'ade �n �opr /�b �nati �cas'su �s �xo �sondack �' saeoucen �c �tctiv Oae �' ]l �siun e `i �s �trn e `i �m �sdnrst �gicat �e �ior �' �s �yct �'i [l �s _v wa �e `it a ei �mo �s �b bn 7vr �' �ain �sa �ei �ibbin �g �' �a �eionrstxisterr ei �sn "ga \bt �ei �or bn �ov �ei ]xa @e �ibl ytl �e �y �' �stiy �e �'sib �o i �l �stae `in Lc �de �it )d )su Lrnis 9th �e �i �m �' Lblnpr )sefpsce n C' �oh ' �e �ou �sis ' �et Za e i �sae �in �'b yt l �' �d �e �r �s e `i �m �s �' �deio �anal i [l ]sn �' �e �sae =f �'ent �n ' �ae �n �o'sic'sn �' �a �n �i orbp ae `i �s bt �dnt ]sti �ov �ee�lmatt �e �i �o �'eh �l n �srae io ]y �n �t �r 7su �soo �dbrat �e iaeio )tnct ^e `iage `i �' �do �su snrt �'i �sustvt 'si |oe [lreio �' �d �rs os _m /' �e bns �mu �sbst �'i �sal �' �l ]saeiri ]y Wa �e nd �l #n nrs nt �n �t eio �snsg ^ein �grial )s Lc �lsae `iob ile �y nes �s �d �e �m �r �sr �' i �s �yca �ct �ei bno 7vn h' h'e `i �' �d �sglnorste �ira �notat ;' =sfri �ce aid �'lniua �n }s �' �s �aioael �' i �l �s �'l �rs �' �a �l �t -abdfnpsengin �ecousti ncait �ic a �sryo Lmnam �ioi �lautic Oa =slan �eoptl �'i �sze )d �aat �'cothuyl �ulapi �u �phietei ' �sc ais �s h'va �lt �eio �nhie �rologi ]ycal 0la �b cdfgilorti "r �k �caeilorb �i ile �y nr �scrt waei �sd ]r �lne �s �novn �'a e �i �s te /' �lent �l ]sadlnrxn �cav �i �i �e �im a e `i �sti �ov �e �e `iaiu �tct e i �sen Lc �trde a e `i �sbi _lli 0t zsaio Mycgatei /' �s �o bv =hn Mthan'is js 's 8tce _rionad �ol nd �aou =atte �r =or Wue mstention ea ihough "t �aeios �hcka 'n ' sa �ane �r �'c �sentri �csm �s e �or -bcegilmnstwcehita �rffec �tou �rma �gas �tiurt �hr �nar $effec $tlo �wma ;gi bf v /ao =s <o /'hao �v �cahs ;toug �haord �' �srdl's �s �d �'aeghilnoru Ga �cimprstvn =sem 4na e )e �'- �saga �rsi �z �a �e �he �' �s �'- dilnr �slo mo plnsg s Smt �' ]se �s �c �dt �' ei �s �n _va )st #uilr �y �'e �' �soum �etin �a �iaeinvdisze mi �dm �se n Ae `iat �ei �n �ogsatei �d �l n �s bn �o #vsi �o �ove �lness �' /eeve `i �d �s [alnste �i �l �r =sg �ste �rapt �ei �o bn �o 7vro �pae �io �i 'a �waeio �'th ai als �t �w �l ' �e �s �' �lstic �' Ri �s �gnrsuai Ty �l �eszeidr �sl =y ;' =sn gei dr �s li ny �e ;' nsng li �y eaphobi �a �c -tt �iaeio �'rian Ri �sest a �d `i �mr �sble �y �n ;' �search�' Xs �hbcpusi n �oultura �e il ii �lp �ai �ncn 6uhemical �somi ]y �c �e �sa �eisscalient �e �e Elnrsa +l �rt �it �e �i aemoru �b �r �sur ]a am nsa �ed �'aba �d yim �arir ]i dgklmnrst ae `is ' �n �'- �d �rsdme-cam �pe�moir �emoir =e - Vd nre �ie �t 6e �a �bei �ms �y �' �de �n <r �y �' �n �'n �s �a �g �u eil �s �' �d �e �r �l bne �s ='ds �ur �ele �i �e �y �'-bcdefhilmpstw �yctonoditione mi �d �r nlo-a �iaoru $g �sr _nus �hs a'esraeft �'- )scarrie �r iwrio �ep h'p )s e �id (rs �y ale ' �s J' nt Zai Ilore Sli �l �aeig he Sa �e �ln �e �gei hoss yn e Sfne �' �r �saei ]n /sl �' e `i )sn �'alor )kan �y �e �r hipt �ic tk Nae Se �rig _mh �tao v �ymr ca cethi �y �e �n �hle �i �' �d �sc �ha �r �x �ya Ebik 4rsr �sto Kaara whm �n �t Gi �'b �o �a Fe '-abcdefghiklmnoprstuvwyzhjmqszail� 'iazezer 'aier�aida�' vsau'e �ida�' 'se |nhwari� 'fahil viawahir 'i'bcdimnrs �ysam �sai 'n sa an "k Ird 6i �n �reo �d �'g sord �o 'a �d �ei �n �o �s �' �h bn �' �dim �c ei �s �n �s d /ekta Gia ' �naei �r Gi �r h'aeir )su �'cnt \o �i �s �yr od �e =ir ]oit �c �k �o ' ,aio �n ' n �egn 6orensia �n �a Ri �o -eech �tmq �r �' �ei �sn �' �o �suerq �uaehimo �uytr �as �temi ]yc �e �s Wabia �d �e �aho �t �vol �'i �sc �s �' a �s �t �o �aegior �u �wbh �nra -ry bd �'amn �sw �m �a �e Eeom �a �eat en �s �' �g �' �n �uicd �n �' �h �g �'ac �dehijkm �nprstu Swxt >o ' �i �k �c �nou Lsche �ma �ondr �a �i �osan Gdb �e �i ]h �p �'t e `i �l �n �s �dr =s ;' ns sandr �a �o �a �ht �'i �san �' �s 'a �ei �'nder ar �'a �eio C'a �n 'n �s �' �s �' �a �n �o s 'a �ior �y 'l �fn �rs -z �' �e �oeds ' �a �o 1caeio �'e �l ci _dbnrra �'i �sc gs al �li �b 'i �na 'n 's en �b �r �aglnrene ms �'quia ann �' �sithm �' :i �sa �embr �a 'abcdegkmnopqsv �xy �z �'s �' �e `ii �l �' e �i �s �' �ae �i �k ' �ato Iw �a �i �'n �'a �ei �o �s \b �t bn �shni te �r e `i �m �s �ae �e neont �' >a e `i �s �n �ae �'ment /' �thati �cuo �ta �h 6o �st �u �'nd Gea Ge �ie �na $hay �ilio �' he �nsz .e mie �i )d )s Si �d ]l �'-aehiosu �xy cdeinoprstl �e 0ambrac mimnportan �t n-clusi rvig �h �ueourva �dwerfu �lrpo rsound �e �ti rm �'h �n �ry 'a 3b e `i �n �s �eglmnrvy wa �ehioren fi �y �a bnri ]yc �es al �lness h' mi Ht �ae ni �ot {t �e iui �aa n 'd �eta �el �eo �wgei ]yn �' i �s c �e �siat �e �i �o �' �n �swa �yallo �w �'aeg �nst �xn Lco �r �' �d nrs /'ator �' e �i �s 6o �st Ge Gi Wecp �rtvw Mya \bt 3a �e �iour /' nsr �' �shon �e i e �mr �stop ]e i Ze `ie r a Pe `i �s 'bn �c pt �uic �ea Ht �dr Jsv Ae �iiao �ul �sn �' ns �' �c `i �n isaeios �' �cdgnt �e [e �a �y �d �r �tg �rhtiy 7n �'n =s �d �e Yhm �aen �'i 1clt eaa �k �ef �hino uy Gi �t �ns �e �i �'eg -s -z �n sh io _r �fsi �a �u �'aehi js �c �raeo �'bn �r �set �' ei �sc !nsz Oa )s #ae mi �d �r �s 6a @e `iumeric Oa nscr �ca �tns �e �o [unei �sst �' �sei �oa �d �cgh ]taot �ctiaon �' sn ' s - �pr )aon �'vil laehior )s �'ir ' �c �r �'p �si Ner ace `in �s \b ytat �e <i �d �ratei �o �d �l �s bn �ove �' �l n �s �eou �g �mptla -nu Ld �'g �n Psethe "ruis �m zt �dimnn �' �o �'in �sn jaiuum �' s �ma �i �u �' �edu nmaei �y ' �nr +ae �o �zorla �i �u �r �a �t �en �r �s ' �a �ia �i �yy �s �c �dos �s �' �a �e �i �os �aheime @r �'abdehimnoprstuwybd �ilnrstxzel �' �le �ou �segi �l �a �e �tam �' �a �s �ae �t ' Hsdu �a �i �yen �sae -giy �' /ntt Sol �lll 7is �e `i �ae �i >our �'i �ss �h �me �io �d �m r �sn a'i jsa jnaeilru �yssadorr �' �is �hes �sr �'gl �sr �ie �y Xy Ladegtvexter r Konc te �'u �iou �s �'io �n �ua �le `i �' �d �r �sos �'ei �' �'a �o �u �' �l �sl �rsant Lc t �eio bnon /' nsr i �ychade `i �' �d ]r �s �' �e `ia �h �'blnrsta h'i �a �e �n �o �t adehio �s Db Za Ze `i �m s �d nr usote �p bn �trrheoa'sea �' �'a Hci �y �dsia �nc -gnai 'n s ' �ai sszaei ]mtion �' s �d �sn �gaeition �' �s jd sn g Jud �'i �s la -lhyst �' i �s paer 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�e ]i -li ]yc �es �z a �l .e mi �tago %rrehi Flst �or Oa %e i ]yor �v �'aei mp �s wg �e �d �st i bnt �ei �cs �meor 5ps oelnt �e �l �n �sl !�a aeior �s �yan �dlmnusia ' �n `aoo �k �t 6a nd �er s �es Gt 6e 6o �' �e �n <r �n �r �v �aeio �u 'a �e �i �j �s Dw �y ' �n sae �s �' �nt �tg Simp �s Teyn i �o ]yaec �h �do �vcm unrstu �wd "�hot Oa �eio �aca �sll �ym Lnet �er y �otahs �sesti �aologiy �e �s �'ic �sz �' &�a �saeitio �n �dr �s h' �sn �g �'t �' �a �er Ry aeiklorsu �y �rs t �'l Mr �v �' �aefi �lo �s �' )dn s �ois 9h �' �ac �knq �t a �o �' �l �s �a �e )g �u ' �u �e �l �nogpsrap �hla %Vspe �r �oeio �' �dp �rswoi ws e ay �' '�o �ac �nain 'i ss amsz "a "*e ".i ">m "6aei jd jsn jg �'-mp �sbfinsoer�renc ( hnrdia ( ni (*sor (3max (5oani �ahiol �e �ibn ae �ie's (hs *lr �ai �y �e �l 7nt �'r nsom h' �silsl sl �aar �i �l �'eyu �sdri Ko bd btab �c #�lmost �'kc nh Faaio �u =�dltver ys t �'ci ]l 4n �sul �a >es 0tza .e mi �mtion =s (�a .e mie �i �o �d [l �n �ssz �mt i �s e Isn �'i �s ceo �s �' Sei �s 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�d �'ahi * klo �syn �cris ntpat �e i >oeiorica lm Lna 6c 9xckwi _samgula n �tmpunis !�m �tetit �ic �leiompoc nrres �ssestablishmentariani #s �t ltaeorusc irme nrma �nee Lzndamentalis ]teoun �'i �sc ine �' �a neiro h' hest #�aorica nln hoalobo �ru re ~as J'ga nsrit �haiocl �tass �a ,�acsro ,�bsi �lni ]y he �' �goumi ]y �aclea )rcx �hi �daehorsttic Ll �'t �i �oh pe i ]yrsopnn �ei �ron �' a �sdlv ,�ae �'a �sn �slutio ner ]tua �e !�irti ]ya �en �'i �ss !�m �ei bn �oaed �adsepositio nnonant �co nr elop tuympriti )cs �m �st �i �uaver .6i �yc Miasmo �dbmar immetr �i nyaehorn �krrori �sey �sti %�c 'rx �iust /' .�eei /qn ,�rvisectioni s �aer �' e �sfinaga �sne 't �t 'eio �sy �' �l �t �' �aen �o �u �' �t �' �a �o �uvi �c �' �m Wai Gm i )y �e �ae ;r �b 9sil �'e 'Lil �s �dei �dn �gi �e �o �' �abhmoptwod i �y �oo �r nla �chi i �mahi "yer "e �s �'auc' ]ss�slrt's�ait 5k �s �a ieao r ra �behilnoprstuclrt �ehse a' js �'achico �lt h �m 7nei �dh �i 6e i ]y �' �dlnr �s 9xi _kni fnit �yotdic �a �ii �fu 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�ulan �e `ii �au �m �sdou �cu �sc �flntultur e �a i �a �o �ata =l �'abcdegijklmnoprstuvy (� �'bcfghlmnprtuw 'eil s �yls �' �a �e �lq Lu �a �clsit i y �t eeh �lnio )�dip ]dhobi �a �aura se vaua �yu r �'dui �o rt ea -co ci �ca nu Kiaho 'e �s �' �s �aer Kecan -iak �' �aior ut �erag �mr ete `i �' �d �r �su �ri �y �l �nru �'e �sva �d �s /t �lit Lar �'e �s �d soat '�h �'a eh `ilostdn �ei _a bn ]aeu l 4n (hm �'-abdefi �l #n pw �yenem �i cyeimnaon �'lpogi $�y Mc �e �stery �xcmsz a 4nba �u �e mi �m Ht %ce �ibau �lg �eishop �' �r �seiuacon �' 0r �soces �a �ec Lk h ~a �dfnorstiel dem .6i �ylogi ')y �es !�t �'i �s ]ye ]s �typ Wa �eic �aio #we -�obemnptvaold ' �o �l 'pisco �ped �e gela {gerct �'o �sunic =s &�ra Lv Wae �i �' �d (r �si 7k �' iaiunge =nc ' )s 9r aeilor Gsuy �'b �ti �l �elni �l �a �s ' �c �e �i �t �ns �t �' �jeth a �ru �r �aos 7Bs �o �c �s �t a �lnoq jst �' �l �swi 7d ='a �'c �s �ela �e �r sui �p �haeouydarga �dnt �'i ]sn �aei 'a Hsn �san Hs �'ns �t �'a �n �sut ' js �' i �y �a @e 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