편집 파일: CartServiceProvider.php
<?php namespace Darryldecode\Cart; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; class CartServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred. * * @var bool */ protected $defer = false; /** * Boot the service provider. */ public function boot() { if (function_exists('config_path')) { $this->publishes([ __DIR__.'/config/config.php' => config_path('shopping_cart.php'), ], 'config'); } } /** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/config/config.php', 'shopping_cart'); $this->app->singleton('cart', function($app) { $storageClass = config('shopping_cart.storage'); $eventsClass = config('shopping_cart.events'); $storage = $storageClass ? new $storageClass() : $app['session']; $events = $eventsClass ? new $eventsClass() : $app['events']; $instanceName = 'cart'; // default session or cart identifier. This will be overridden when calling Cart::session($sessionKey)->add() etc.. // like when adding a cart for a specific user name. Session Key can be string or maybe a unique identifier to bind a cart // to a specific user, this can also be a user ID $session_key = '4yTlTDKu3oJOfzD'; return new Cart( $storage, $events, $instanceName, $session_key, config('shopping_cart') ); }); } /** * Get the services provided by the provider. * * @return array */ public function provides() { return array(); } }