편집 파일: MustVerifyEmail.php
<?php namespace Illuminate\Auth; use Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\VerifyEmail; trait MustVerifyEmail { /** * Determine if the user has verified their email address. * * @return bool */ public function hasVerifiedEmail() { return ! is_null($this->email_verified_at); } /** * Mark the given user's email as verified. * * @return bool */ public function markEmailAsVerified() { return $this->forceFill([ 'email_verified_at' => $this->freshTimestamp(), ])->save(); } /** * Send the email verification notification. * * @return void */ public function sendEmailVerificationNotification() { $this->notify(new VerifyEmail); } /** * Get the email address that should be used for verification. * * @return string */ public function getEmailForVerification() { return $this->email; } }