편집 파일: PendingCommand.php
<?php namespace Illuminate\Testing; use Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle; use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel; use Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container; use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Mockery; use Mockery\Exception\NoMatchingExpectationException; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase as PHPUnitTestCase; use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput; class PendingCommand { /** * The test being run. * * @var \Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase */ public $test; /** * The application instance. * * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container */ protected $app; /** * The command to run. * * @var string */ protected $command; /** * The parameters to pass to the command. * * @var array */ protected $parameters; /** * The expected exit code. * * @var int */ protected $expectedExitCode; /** * Determine if command has executed. * * @var bool */ protected $hasExecuted = false; /** * Create a new pending console command run. * * @param \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase $test * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container $app * @param string $command * @param array $parameters * @return void */ public function __construct(PHPUnitTestCase $test, Container $app, $command, $parameters) { $this->app = $app; $this->test = $test; $this->command = $command; $this->parameters = $parameters; } /** * Specify an expected question that will be asked when the command runs. * * @param string $question * @param string|bool $answer * @return $this */ public function expectsQuestion($question, $answer) { $this->test->expectedQuestions[] = [$question, $answer]; return $this; } /** * Specify an expected confirmation question that will be asked when the command runs. * * @param string $question * @param string $answer * @return $this */ public function expectsConfirmation($question, $answer = 'no') { return $this->expectsQuestion($question, strtolower($answer) === 'yes'); } /** * Specify an expected choice question with expected answers that will be asked/shown when the command runs. * * @param string $question * @param string|array $answer * @param array $answers * @param bool $strict * @return $this */ public function expectsChoice($question, $answer, $answers, $strict = false) { $this->test->expectedChoices[$question] = [ 'expected' => $answers, 'strict' => $strict, ]; return $this->expectsQuestion($question, $answer); } /** * Specify output that should be printed when the command runs. * * @param string $output * @return $this */ public function expectsOutput($output) { $this->test->expectedOutput[] = $output; return $this; } /** * Specify a table that should be printed when the command runs. * * @param array $headers * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array $rows * @param string $tableStyle * @param array $columnStyles * @return $this */ public function expectsTable($headers, $rows, $tableStyle = 'default', array $columnStyles = []) { $this->test->expectedTables[] = [ 'headers' => (array) $headers, 'rows' => $rows instanceof Arrayable ? $rows->toArray() : $rows, 'tableStyle' => $tableStyle, 'columnStyles' => $columnStyles, ]; return $this; } /** * Assert that the command has the given exit code. * * @param int $exitCode * @return $this */ public function assertExitCode($exitCode) { $this->expectedExitCode = $exitCode; return $this; } /** * Execute the command. * * @return int */ public function execute() { return $this->run(); } /** * Execute the command. * * @return int * * @throws \Mockery\Exception\NoMatchingExpectationException */ public function run() { $this->hasExecuted = true; $mock = $this->mockConsoleOutput(); try { $exitCode = $this->app->make(Kernel::class)->call($this->command, $this->parameters, $mock); } catch (NoMatchingExpectationException $e) { if ($e->getMethodName() === 'askQuestion') { $this->test->fail('Unexpected question "'.$e->getActualArguments()[0]->getQuestion().'" was asked.'); } throw $e; } if ($this->expectedExitCode !== null) { $this->test->assertEquals( $this->expectedExitCode, $exitCode, "Expected status code {$this->expectedExitCode} but received {$exitCode}." ); } $this->verifyExpectations(); return $exitCode; } /** * Determine if expected questions / choices / outputs are fulfilled. * * @return void */ protected function verifyExpectations() { if (count($this->test->expectedQuestions)) { $this->test->fail('Question "'.Arr::first($this->test->expectedQuestions)[0].'" was not asked.'); } if (count($this->test->expectedChoices) > 0) { foreach ($this->test->expectedChoices as $question => $answers) { $assertion = $answers['strict'] ? 'assertEquals' : 'assertEqualsCanonicalizing'; $this->test->{$assertion}( $answers['expected'], $answers['actual'], 'Question "'.$question.'" has different options.' ); } } if (count($this->test->expectedOutput)) { $this->test->fail('Output "'.Arr::first($this->test->expectedOutput).'" was not printed.'); } } /** * Mock the application's console output. * * @return \Mockery\MockInterface */ protected function mockConsoleOutput() { $mock = Mockery::mock(OutputStyle::class.'[askQuestion]', [ (new ArrayInput($this->parameters)), $this->createABufferedOutputMock(), ]); foreach ($this->test->expectedQuestions as $i => $question) { $mock->shouldReceive('askQuestion') ->once() ->ordered() ->with(Mockery::on(function ($argument) use ($question) { if (isset($this->test->expectedChoices[$question[0]])) { $this->test->expectedChoices[$question[0]]['actual'] = $argument->getAutocompleterValues(); } return $argument->getQuestion() == $question[0]; })) ->andReturnUsing(function () use ($question, $i) { unset($this->test->expectedQuestions[$i]); return $question[1]; }); } $this->app->bind(OutputStyle::class, function () use ($mock) { return $mock; }); return $mock; } /** * Create a mock for the buffered output. * * @return \Mockery\MockInterface */ private function createABufferedOutputMock() { $mock = Mockery::mock(BufferedOutput::class.'[doWrite]') ->shouldAllowMockingProtectedMethods() ->shouldIgnoreMissing(); $this->applyTableOutputExpectations($mock); foreach ($this->test->expectedOutput as $i => $output) { $mock->shouldReceive('doWrite') ->once() ->ordered() ->with($output, Mockery::any()) ->andReturnUsing(function () use ($i) { unset($this->test->expectedOutput[$i]); }); } return $mock; } /** * Apply the output table expectations to the mock. * * @param \Mockery\MockInterface $mock * @return void */ private function applyTableOutputExpectations($mock) { foreach ($this->test->expectedTables as $consoleTable) { $table = (new Table($output = new BufferedOutput)) ->setHeaders($consoleTable['headers']) ->setRows($consoleTable['rows']) ->setStyle($consoleTable['tableStyle']); foreach ($consoleTable['columnStyles'] as $columnIndex => $columnStyle) { $table->setColumnStyle($columnIndex, $columnStyle); } $table->render(); $lines = array_filter( preg_split("/\n/", $output->fetch()) ); foreach ($lines as $line) { $this->expectsOutput($line); } } } /** * Handle the object's destruction. * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->hasExecuted) { return; } $this->run(); } }