편집 파일: Vue.php
<?php namespace Laravel\Ui\Presets; use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; class Vue extends Preset { /** * Install the preset. * * @return void */ public static function install() { static::ensureComponentDirectoryExists(); static::updatePackages(); static::updateWebpackConfiguration(); static::updateBootstrapping(); static::updateComponent(); static::removeNodeModules(); } /** * Update the given package array. * * @param array $packages * @return array */ protected static function updatePackageArray(array $packages) { return [ 'resolve-url-loader' => '^2.3.1', 'sass' => '^1.20.1', 'sass-loader' => '^8.0.0', 'vue' => '^2.5.17', 'vue-template-compiler' => '^2.6.10', ] + Arr::except($packages, [ '@babel/preset-react', 'react', 'react-dom', ]); } /** * Update the Webpack configuration. * * @return void */ protected static function updateWebpackConfiguration() { copy(__DIR__.'/vue-stubs/webpack.mix.js', base_path('webpack.mix.js')); } /** * Update the example component. * * @return void */ protected static function updateComponent() { (new Filesystem)->delete( resource_path('js/components/Example.js') ); copy( __DIR__.'/vue-stubs/ExampleComponent.vue', resource_path('js/components/ExampleComponent.vue') ); } /** * Update the bootstrapping files. * * @return void */ protected static function updateBootstrapping() { copy(__DIR__.'/vue-stubs/app.js', resource_path('js/app.js')); } }