편집 파일: phpunit_integration.rst
.. index:: single: PHPUnit Integration PHPUnit Integration =================== Mockery was designed as a simple-to-use *standalone* mock object framework, so its need for integration with any testing framework is entirely optional. To integrate Mockery, we need to define a ``tearDown()`` method for our tests containing the following (we may use a shorter ``\Mockery`` namespace alias): .. code-block:: php public function tearDown() { \Mockery::close(); } This static call cleans up the Mockery container used by the current test, and run any verification tasks needed for our expectations. For some added brevity when it comes to using Mockery, we can also explicitly use the Mockery namespace with a shorter alias. For example: .. code-block:: php use \Mockery as m; class SimpleTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function testSimpleMock() { $mock = m::mock('simplemock'); $mock->shouldReceive('foo')->with(5, m::any())->once()->andReturn(10); $this->assertEquals(10, $mock->foo(5)); } public function tearDown() { m::close(); } } Mockery ships with an autoloader so we don't need to litter our tests with ``require_once()`` calls. To use it, ensure Mockery is on our ``include_path`` and add the following to our test suite's ``Bootstrap.php`` or ``TestHelper.php`` file: .. code-block:: php require_once 'Mockery/Loader.php'; require_once 'Hamcrest/Hamcrest.php'; $loader = new \Mockery\Loader; $loader->register(); If we are using Composer, we can simplify this to including the Composer generated autoloader file: .. code-block:: php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; // assuming vendor is one directory up .. caution:: Prior to Hamcrest 1.0.0, the ``Hamcrest.php`` file name had a small "h" (i.e. ``hamcrest.php``). If upgrading Hamcrest to 1.0.0 remember to check the file name is updated for all your projects.) To integrate Mockery into PHPUnit and avoid having to call the close method and have Mockery remove itself from code coverage reports, have your test case extends the ``\Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryTestCase``: .. code-block:: php class MyTest extends \Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryTestCase { } An alternative is to use the supplied trait: .. code-block:: php class MyTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { use \Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryPHPUnitIntegration; } Extending ``MockeryTestCase`` or using the ``MockeryPHPUnitIntegration`` trait is **the recommended way** of integrating Mockery with PHPUnit, since Mockery 1.0.0. PHPUnit listener ---------------- Before the 1.0.0 release, Mockery provided a PHPUnit listener that would call ``Mockery::close()`` for us at the end of a test. This has changed significantly since the 1.0.0 version. Now, Mockery provides a PHPUnit listener that makes tests fail if ``Mockery::close()`` has not been called. It can help identify tests where we've forgotten to include the trait or extend the ``MockeryTestCase``. If we are using PHPUnit's XML configuration approach, we can include the following to load the ``TestListener``: .. code-block:: xml <listeners> <listener class="\Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\TestListener"></listener> </listeners> Make sure Composer's or Mockery's autoloader is present in the bootstrap file or we will need to also define a "file" attribute pointing to the file of the ``TestListener`` class. If we are creating the test suite programmatically we may add the listener like this: .. code-block:: php // Create the suite. $suite = new PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite(); // Create the listener and add it to the suite. $result = new PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult(); $result->addListener(new \Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\TestListener()); // Run the tests. $suite->run($result); .. caution:: PHPUnit provides a functionality that allows `tests to run in a separated process <http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.annotations.html#appendixes.annotations.runTestsInSeparateProcesses>`_, to ensure better isolation. Mockery verifies the mocks expectations using the ``Mockery::close()`` method, and provides a PHPUnit listener, that automatically calls this method for us after every test. However, this listener is not called in the right process when using PHPUnit's process isolation, resulting in expectations that might not be respected, but without raising any ``Mockery\Exception``. To avoid this, we cannot rely on the supplied Mockery PHPUnit ``TestListener``, and we need to explicitly call ``Mockery::close``. The easiest solution to include this call in the ``tearDown()`` method, as explained previously.