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## PayPal HttpClient PayPalHttp is a generic HTTP Client. In it's simplest form, an [`HttpClient`](lib/PayPalHttp/HttpClient.php) exposes an `execute` method which takes an [HTTP request](lib/PayPalHttp/HttpRequest.php), executes it against the domain described in an [Environment](lib/PayPalHttp/Environment.php), and returns an [HTTP response](lib/PayPalHttp/HttpResponse.php). ### Environment An [`Environment`](./lib/PayPalHttp/environment.rb) describes a domain that hosts a REST API, against which an `HttpClient` will make requests. `Environment` is a simple interface that wraps one method, `baseUrl`. ```php $env = new Environment('https://example.com'); ``` ### Requests HTTP requests contain all the information needed to make an HTTP request against the REST API. Specifically, one request describes a path, a verb, any path/query/form parameters, headers, attached files for upload, and body data. ### Responses HTTP responses contain information returned by a server in response to a request as described above. They are simple objects which contain a status code, headers, and any data returned by the server. ```php $request = new HttpRequest("/path", "GET"); $request->body[] = "some data"; $response = $client->execute($req); $statusCode = $response->statusCode; $headers = $response->headers; $data = $response->result; ``` ### Injectors Injectors are blocks that can be used for executing arbitrary pre-flight logic, such as modifying a request or logging data. Injectors are attached to an `HttpClient` using the `addInjector` method. The `HttpClient` executes its injectors in a first-in, first-out order, before each request. ```php class LogInjector implements Injector { public function inject($httpRequest) { // Do some logging here } } $logInjector = new LogInjector(); $client = new HttpClient($environment); $client->addInjector($logInjector); ... ``` ### Error Handling `HttpClient#execute` may throw an `Exception` if something went wrong during the course of execution. If the server returned a non-200 response, [IOException](lib/PayPalHttp/IOException.php) will be thrown, that will contain a status code and headers you can use for debugging. ```php try { $client->execute($req); } catch (HttpException $e) { $statusCode = $e->response->statusCode; $headers = $e->response->headers; $body = $e->response->result; } ``` ## License PayPalHttp-PHP is open source and available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for more information. ## Contributing Pull requests and issues are welcome. Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details.