편집 파일: UnifiedDiffOutputBuilderIntegrationTest.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of sebastian/diff. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\Diff\Output; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use SebastianBergmann\Diff\Utils\UnifiedDiffAssertTrait; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; /** * @covers SebastianBergmann\Diff\Output\UnifiedDiffOutputBuilder * * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\Differ * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\TimeEfficientLongestCommonSubsequenceCalculator * * @requires OS Linux */ final class UnifiedDiffOutputBuilderIntegrationTest extends TestCase { use UnifiedDiffAssertTrait; private $dir; private $fileFrom; private $filePatch; protected function setUp(): void { $this->dir = \realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../fixtures/out/') . '/'; $this->fileFrom = $this->dir . 'from.txt'; $this->filePatch = $this->dir . 'patch.txt'; $this->cleanUpTempFiles(); } protected function tearDown(): void { $this->cleanUpTempFiles(); } /** * @dataProvider provideDiffWithLineNumbers * * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $from * @param mixed $to */ public function testDiffWithLineNumbersPath($expected, $from, $to): void { $this->doIntegrationTestPatch($expected, $from, $to); } /** * @dataProvider provideDiffWithLineNumbers * * @param mixed $expected * @param mixed $from * @param mixed $to */ public function testDiffWithLineNumbersGitApply($expected, $from, $to): void { $this->doIntegrationTestGitApply($expected, $from, $to); } public function provideDiffWithLineNumbers() { return \array_filter( UnifiedDiffOutputBuilderDataProvider::provideDiffWithLineNumbers(), static function ($key) { return !\is_string($key) || false === \strpos($key, 'non_patch_compat'); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); } private function doIntegrationTestPatch(string $diff, string $from, string $to): void { $this->assertNotSame('', $diff); $this->assertValidUnifiedDiffFormat($diff); $diff = self::setDiffFileHeader($diff, $this->fileFrom); $this->assertNotFalse(\file_put_contents($this->fileFrom, $from)); $this->assertNotFalse(\file_put_contents($this->filePatch, $diff)); $command = \sprintf( 'patch -u --verbose --posix %s < %s', // --posix \escapeshellarg($this->fileFrom), \escapeshellarg($this->filePatch) ); $p = new Process($command); $p->run(); $this->assertProcessSuccessful($p); $this->assertStringEqualsFile( $this->fileFrom, $to, \sprintf('Patch command "%s".', $command) ); } private function doIntegrationTestGitApply(string $diff, string $from, string $to): void { $this->assertNotSame('', $diff); $this->assertValidUnifiedDiffFormat($diff); $diff = self::setDiffFileHeader($diff, $this->fileFrom); $this->assertNotFalse(\file_put_contents($this->fileFrom, $from)); $this->assertNotFalse(\file_put_contents($this->filePatch, $diff)); $command = \sprintf( 'git --git-dir %s apply --check -v --unsafe-paths --ignore-whitespace %s', \escapeshellarg($this->dir), \escapeshellarg($this->filePatch) ); $p = new Process($command); $p->run(); $this->assertProcessSuccessful($p); } private function assertProcessSuccessful(Process $p): void { $this->assertTrue( $p->isSuccessful(), \sprintf( "Command exec. was not successful:\n\"%s\"\nOutput:\n\"%s\"\nStdErr:\n\"%s\"\nExit code %d.\n", $p->getCommandLine(), $p->getOutput(), $p->getErrorOutput(), $p->getExitCode() ) ); } private function cleanUpTempFiles(): void { @\unlink($this->fileFrom . '.orig'); @\unlink($this->fileFrom); @\unlink($this->filePatch); } private static function setDiffFileHeader(string $diff, string $file): string { $diffLines = \preg_split('/(.*\R)/', $diff, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $diffLines[0] = \preg_replace('#^\-\-\- .*#', '--- /' . $file, $diffLines[0], 1); $diffLines[1] = \preg_replace('#^\+\+\+ .*#', '+++ /' . $file, $diffLines[1], 1); return \implode('', $diffLines); } }