편집 파일: QueryDataTable.php
<?php namespace Yajra\DataTables; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Yajra\DataTables\Utilities\Helper; class QueryDataTable extends DataTableAbstract { /** * Builder object. * * @var \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ protected $query; /** * Database connection used. * * @var \Illuminate\Database\Connection */ protected $connection; /** * Flag for ordering NULLS LAST option. * * @var bool */ protected $nullsLast = false; /** * Flag to check if query preparation was already done. * * @var bool */ protected $prepared = false; /** * Query callback for custom pagination using limit without offset. * * @var callable */ protected $limitCallback; /** * Flag to skip total records count query. * * @var bool */ protected $skipTotalRecords = false; /** * Flag to keep the select bindings. * * @var bool */ protected $keepSelectBindings = false; /** * Can the DataTable engine be created with these parameters. * * @param mixed $source * @return bool */ public static function canCreate($source) { return $source instanceof Builder; } /** * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $builder */ public function __construct(Builder $builder) { $this->query = $builder; $this->request = app('datatables.request'); $this->config = app('datatables.config'); $this->columns = $builder->columns; $this->connection = $builder->getConnection(); if ($this->config->isDebugging()) { $this->connection->enableQueryLog(); } } /** * Organizes works. * * @param bool $mDataSupport * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @throws \Exception */ public function make($mDataSupport = true) { try { $this->prepareQuery(); $results = $this->results(); $processed = $this->processResults($results, $mDataSupport); $data = $this->transform($results, $processed); return $this->render($data); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->errorResponse($exception); } } /** * Perform search using search pane values. */ protected function searchPanesSearch() { $columns = $this->request->get('searchPanes', []); foreach ($columns as $column => $values) { if ($this->isBlacklisted($column)) { continue; } if ($this->searchPanes[$column] && $callback = $this->searchPanes[$column]['builder']) { $callback($this->query, $values); } else { $this->query->whereIn($column, $values); } $this->isFilterApplied = true; } } /** * Prepare query by executing count, filter, order and paginate. */ protected function prepareQuery() { if (! $this->prepared) { $this->totalRecords = $this->totalCount(); if ($this->totalRecords) { $this->filterRecords(); $this->ordering(); $this->paginate(); } } $this->prepared = true; } /** * Skip total records and set the recordsTotal equals to recordsFiltered. * This will improve the performance by skipping the total count query. * * @return $this */ public function skipTotalRecords() { $this->skipTotalRecords = true; return $this; } /** * Keep the select bindings. * * @return $this */ public function keepSelectBindings() { $this->keepSelectBindings = true; return $this; } /** * Count total items. * * @return int */ public function totalCount() { if ($this->skipTotalRecords) { $this->isFilterApplied = true; return 1; } return $this->totalRecords ? $this->totalRecords : $this->count(); } /** * Count filtered items. * * @return int */ protected function filteredCount() { $this->filteredRecords = $this->filteredRecords ?: $this->count(); if ($this->skipTotalRecords) { $this->totalRecords = $this->filteredRecords; } return $this->filteredRecords; } /** * Counts current query. * * @return int */ public function count() { return $this->prepareCountQuery()->count(); } /** * Prepare count query builder. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function prepareCountQuery() { $builder = clone $this->query; if ($this->isComplexQuery($builder)) { $table = $this->connection->raw('('.$builder->toSql().') count_row_table'); return $this->connection->table($table) ->setBindings($builder->getBindings()); } $row_count = $this->wrap('row_count'); $builder->select($this->connection->raw("'1' as {$row_count}")); if (! $this->keepSelectBindings) { $builder->setBindings([], 'select'); } return $builder; } /** * Check if builder query uses complex sql. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $builder * @return bool */ protected function isComplexQuery($builder) { return Str::contains(Str::lower($builder->toSql()), ['union', 'having', 'distinct', 'order by', 'group by']); } /** * Wrap column with DB grammar. * * @param string $column * @return string */ protected function wrap($column) { return $this->connection->getQueryGrammar()->wrap($column); } /** * Get paginated results. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function results() { return $this->query->get(); } /** * Get filtered, ordered and paginated query. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function getFilteredQuery() { $this->prepareQuery(); return $this->getQuery(); } /** * Get query builder instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * Perform column search. * * @return void */ public function columnSearch() { $columns = $this->request->columns(); foreach ($columns as $index => $column) { $column = $this->getColumnName($index); if (! $this->request->isColumnSearchable($index) || $this->isBlacklisted($column) && ! $this->hasFilterColumn($column)) { continue; } if ($this->hasFilterColumn($column)) { $keyword = $this->getColumnSearchKeyword($index, true); $this->applyFilterColumn($this->getBaseQueryBuilder(), $column, $keyword); } else { $column = $this->resolveRelationColumn($column); $keyword = $this->getColumnSearchKeyword($index); $this->compileColumnSearch($index, $column, $keyword); } $this->isFilterApplied = true; } } /** * Check if column has custom filter handler. * * @param string $columnName * @return bool */ public function hasFilterColumn($columnName) { return isset($this->columnDef['filter'][$columnName]); } /** * Get column keyword to use for search. * * @param int $i * @param bool $raw * @return string */ protected function getColumnSearchKeyword($i, $raw = false) { $keyword = $this->request->columnKeyword($i); if ($raw || $this->request->isRegex($i)) { return $keyword; } return $this->setupKeyword($keyword); } /** * Apply filterColumn api search. * * @param mixed $query * @param string $columnName * @param string $keyword * @param string $boolean */ protected function applyFilterColumn($query, $columnName, $keyword, $boolean = 'and') { $query = $this->getBaseQueryBuilder($query); $callback = $this->columnDef['filter'][$columnName]['method']; if ($this->query instanceof EloquentBuilder) { $builder = $this->query->newModelInstance()->newQuery(); } else { $builder = $this->query->newQuery(); } $callback($builder, $keyword); $query->addNestedWhereQuery($this->getBaseQueryBuilder($builder), $boolean); } /** * Get the base query builder instance. * * @param mixed $instance * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ protected function getBaseQueryBuilder($instance = null) { if (! $instance) { $instance = $this->query; } if ($instance instanceof EloquentBuilder) { return $instance->getQuery(); } return $instance; } /** * Resolve the proper column name be used. * * @param string $column * @return string */ protected function resolveRelationColumn($column) { return $column; } /** * Compile queries for column search. * * @param int $i * @param string $column * @param string $keyword */ protected function compileColumnSearch($i, $column, $keyword) { if ($this->request->isRegex($i)) { $this->regexColumnSearch($column, $keyword); } else { $this->compileQuerySearch($this->query, $column, $keyword, ''); } } /** * Compile regex query column search. * * @param mixed $column * @param string $keyword */ protected function regexColumnSearch($column, $keyword) { $column = $this->wrap($column); switch ($this->connection->getDriverName()) { case 'oracle': $sql = ! $this->config->isCaseInsensitive() ? 'REGEXP_LIKE( ' . $column . ' , ? )' : 'REGEXP_LIKE( LOWER(' . $column . ') , ?, \'i\' )'; break; case 'pgsql': $column = $this->castColumn($column); $sql = ! $this->config->isCaseInsensitive() ? $column . ' ~ ?' : $column . ' ~* ? '; break; default: $sql = ! $this->config->isCaseInsensitive() ? $column . ' REGEXP ?' : 'LOWER(' . $column . ') REGEXP ?'; $keyword = Str::lower($keyword); } $this->query->whereRaw($sql, [$keyword]); } /** * Wrap a column and cast based on database driver. * * @param string $column * @return string */ protected function castColumn($column) { switch ($this->connection->getDriverName()) { case 'pgsql': return 'CAST(' . $column . ' as TEXT)'; case 'firebird': return 'CAST(' . $column . ' as VARCHAR(255))'; default: return $column; } } /** * Compile query builder where clause depending on configurations. * * @param mixed $query * @param string $column * @param string $keyword * @param string $boolean */ protected function compileQuerySearch($query, $column, $keyword, $boolean = 'or') { $column = $this->addTablePrefix($query, $column); $column = $this->castColumn($column); $sql = $column . ' LIKE ?'; if ($this->config->isCaseInsensitive()) { $sql = 'LOWER(' . $column . ') LIKE ?'; } $query->{$boolean . 'WhereRaw'}($sql, [$this->prepareKeyword($keyword)]); } /** * Patch for fix about ambiguous field. * Ambiguous field error will appear when query use join table and search with keyword. * * @param mixed $query * @param string $column * @return string */ protected function addTablePrefix($query, $column) { if (strpos($column, '.') === false) { $q = $this->getBaseQueryBuilder($query); if (! $q->from instanceof Expression) { $column = $q->from . '.' . $column; } } return $this->wrap($column); } /** * Prepare search keyword based on configurations. * * @param string $keyword * @return string */ protected function prepareKeyword($keyword) { if ($this->config->isStartsWithSearch()) { return "$keyword%"; } if ($this->config->isCaseInsensitive()) { $keyword = Str::lower($keyword); } if ($this->config->isWildcard()) { $keyword = Helper::wildcardLikeString($keyword); } if ($this->config->isSmartSearch()) { $keyword = "%$keyword%"; } return $keyword; } /** * Add custom filter handler for the give column. * * @param string $column * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function filterColumn($column, callable $callback) { $this->columnDef['filter'][$column] = ['method' => $callback]; return $this; } /** * Order each given columns versus the given custom sql. * * @param array $columns * @param string $sql * @param array $bindings * @return $this */ public function orderColumns(array $columns, $sql, $bindings = []) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $this->orderColumn($column, str_replace(':column', $column, $sql), $bindings); } return $this; } /** * Override default column ordering. * * @param string $column * @param string|\Closure $sql * @param array $bindings * @return $this * @internal string $1 Special variable that returns the requested order direction of the column. */ public function orderColumn($column, $sql, $bindings = []) { $this->columnDef['order'][$column] = compact('sql', 'bindings'); return $this; } /** * Set datatables to do ordering with NULLS LAST option. * * @return $this */ public function orderByNullsLast() { $this->nullsLast = true; return $this; } /** * Paginate dataTable using limit without offset * with additional where clause via callback. * * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function limit(callable $callback) { $this->limitCallback = $callback; return $this; } /** * Perform pagination. * * @return void */ public function paging() { $limit = (int) $this->request->input('length') > 0 ? $this->request->input('length') : 10; if (is_callable($this->limitCallback)) { $this->query->limit($limit); call_user_func_array($this->limitCallback, [$this->query]); } else { $this->query->skip($this->request->input('start'))->take($limit); } } /** * Add column in collection. * * @param string $name * @param string|callable $content * @param bool|int $order * @return $this */ public function addColumn($name, $content, $order = false) { $this->pushToBlacklist($name); return parent::addColumn($name, $content, $order); } /** * Resolve callback parameter instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ protected function resolveCallbackParameter() { return $this->query; } /** * Perform default query orderBy clause. */ protected function defaultOrdering() { collect($this->request->orderableColumns()) ->map(function ($orderable) { $orderable['name'] = $this->getColumnName($orderable['column'], true); return $orderable; }) ->reject(function ($orderable) { return $this->isBlacklisted($orderable['name']) && ! $this->hasOrderColumn($orderable['name']); }) ->each(function ($orderable) { $column = $this->resolveRelationColumn($orderable['name']); if ($this->hasOrderColumn($column)) { $this->applyOrderColumn($column, $orderable); } else { $nullsLastSql = $this->getNullsLastSql($column, $orderable['direction']); $normalSql = $this->wrap($column) . ' ' . $orderable['direction']; $sql = $this->nullsLast ? $nullsLastSql : $normalSql; $this->query->orderByRaw($sql); } }); } /** * Check if column has custom sort handler. * * @param string $column * @return bool */ protected function hasOrderColumn($column) { return isset($this->columnDef['order'][$column]); } /** * Apply orderColumn custom query. * * @param string $column * @param array $orderable */ protected function applyOrderColumn($column, $orderable) { $sql = $this->columnDef['order'][$column]['sql']; if ($sql === false) { return; } if (is_callable($sql)) { call_user_func($sql, $this->query, $orderable['direction']); } else { $sql = str_replace('$1', $orderable['direction'], $sql); $bindings = $this->columnDef['order'][$column]['bindings']; $this->query->orderByRaw($sql, $bindings); } } /** * Get NULLS LAST SQL. * * @param string $column * @param string $direction * @return string */ protected function getNullsLastSql($column, $direction) { $sql = $this->config->get('datatables.nulls_last_sql', '%s %s NULLS LAST'); return str_replace( [':column', ':direction'], [$column, $direction], sprintf($sql, $column, $direction) ); } /** * Perform global search for the given keyword. * * @param string $keyword */ protected function globalSearch($keyword) { $this->query->where(function ($query) use ($keyword) { collect($this->request->searchableColumnIndex()) ->map(function ($index) { return $this->getColumnName($index); }) ->reject(function ($column) { return $this->isBlacklisted($column) && ! $this->hasFilterColumn($column); }) ->each(function ($column) use ($keyword, $query) { if ($this->hasFilterColumn($column)) { $this->applyFilterColumn($query, $column, $keyword, 'or'); } else { $this->compileQuerySearch($query, $column, $keyword); } $this->isFilterApplied = true; }); }); } /** * Append debug parameters on output. * * @param array $output * @return array */ protected function showDebugger(array $output) { $query_log = $this->connection->getQueryLog(); array_walk_recursive($query_log, function (&$item) { if (is_string($item)) { $item = utf8_encode($item); } }); $output['queries'] = $query_log; $output['input'] = $this->request->all(); return $output; } /** * Attach custom with meta on response. * * @param array $data * @return array */ protected function attachAppends(array $data) { $appends = []; foreach ($this->appends as $key => $value) { if (is_callable($value)) { $appends[$key] = value($value($this->getFilteredQuery())); } else { $appends[$key] = $value; } } return array_merge($data, $appends); } }